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Clair's pov:
When I pull my car up in front of a very beautiful and huge house I am slightly shocked that it stands that far into the woods. It however blends in extremely well with all those big windows that surely will allow a wonderful few into the big trees. Carefully I get out of my car and look around the space in front of me where the siblings are already waiting for me.
„Come on princess lets get in. I don't want you to get cold out here." Jasper says and right away lays his hand on my back to lead the way. Just than the door gets thrown open and a beautiful woman squeals loudly at seeing us all walk up the stairs. The loud noise makes me flinch. Why is everyone and everything around here so loud!
„Esme, a bit quieter please." Edward says very quiet but still loud enough to hear it perfectly fine.
„It's fine Edward. She couldn't of known that I am a bit sensitive to loud noises." I say softly as I lay one of my hands on his to calm him down since he looks on edge. They all look at me in astonishment but I don't understand why. The woman seems to be the first to shake her shock off and smiles brightly at me.
„It's really nice to get to know you. My kids never bring any friends home so you surely must be someone really special." she says with an honest smile and twinkling eyes. Her statement makes me look at her in irritation. This is their mother? She is so young though! Hearing a bell like giggle makes me look at her in question.
„i know what you must be thinking. But my brother and i wanted to help children as we used to be. So we adopted all of them into our family. We however see them more as our siblings than our children." she says and that way explains their family dynamic.
„That was really honorable of the both of you. It surely wasn't easy to raise five kids especially while you are still that young yourselves." i say honestly in awh that they would do that while they themselves are still so young, it's truly inspiring! Her happy laugh makes me smile at her as well.
„Believe me, it was way easier than anyone would guess. They all only needed to get unconditional love as it should be in a family." she says and links her arm with mine. Slowly we climb the last few steps towards the house. She right away holds open the door for me to let me enter before her. The entrance alone is spectacular! The light flows through all of those windows even more than I could of imagined. There is another staircase going my guess into the living space. There is a humongous art piece on the side, nearly over the whole wall. All the different colors blend together and make this entrance look so much friendlier as well as more colorful since the sun shines directly on it.
„Come on my love. Let's get upstairs so we can show you around the house some more." Emmet says and pecks my lips yet again. Of course I right away blush as well as panic slightly, not sure what his mother might think of our shared intimacy. I mean we only just met one another so there is a very high chance she won't approve of it and maybe not even approve of me.
„Oh, you guys are really cute!" she says while clapping her hands in excitement. Ok? Guess she isn't one of this overprotective moms that give the girls hell for dating or getting to know their children.
„Well, I will give you guys some space to show Clair around our home while I finish our food." she says and winks at all of us seconds before she climbs the stairs quickly to give us some space it seems.
„Come one Alice, Let's help Esme in the kitchen." Rosalie says and follows their mother along with Alice. When I once more turn a bit to take in even more of the room I hear a car pull up outside. This must be their dad, that also gives me the best opportunity to ask him if he could maybe take my mother's night shift for today.
„Shh, no need to get this stressed darling. I am sure Carlisle will gladly help." Edward says softly after seeing me tense a bit. What if I don't find the right words to ask him for that big of a favor? I mean he doesn't know me and the chances are really slim that he knows my mom, so why should he help? Maybe he already made some plans for tonight or he also could simply want to spend some quality time with his family. I mean he and Esme took in five kids, so they surely like to spent as much time as possible with their family. Otherwise they would never Of taken that huge of a step!
„Ah! I didn't know we have a guest over!" a blond haired man says. He looks to be so young though! At tops he is twenty five! How can he be such a good doctor while still so young? His light brown eyes watch me with a welcoming smile on his lips.
„I hope it's ok for me to be here? If not I can go. I don't want to intrude." i say softly and slightly unsure what i should do or say. This beautiful man just has the same effect on me as all his sons have too. How is that even possible!? I never ever fancied any boy and the second I move here I am attracted to four! Guess all this moving finally made me go crazy! There is no other explanation to it!
„Nonsense! You aren't intruding at all. I am Carlisle, it's really amazing to meet you!" he says and pulls me into a tight hug which surprises me but also calms my frigid nerves.
„Nice to meet you. My name is Clair Baker." i say and his eyes shine in wonder at me.
„Wait a second! Are you Emma's daughter?" he questions me with open joy in his eyes that not once left mine. Not even for a second and it makes breathing pretty hard since my whole mind is on this beautiful being in front of me. Shaking my head a little in the hope to get my brain to working properly. I after all don't want to seem completely dumb from the very start.
„That's my mom, yes. So I am guessing you met her at the hospital?" I ask kind of relieved that he in fact knows her. That way he hopefully will help us by taking her night shift this evening.
„I did indeed. She is a really amazing surgeon and she has been talking about you pretty much this whole day." he says with a chuckle that makes me all warm inside.
„I just agreed to take over her night shift for today so you guys can spend the evening together." he says softly and I can feel my eyes getting wet with tears of relief. Not wanting anyone to see my tears though, I quickly hug Carlisle once again.
„Thank you so much!" I whimper against his chest. Never would I of thought that anyone would be so kind and change their plans to help someone that they don't even know that well.
„No need to thank me precious. You and your mother deserve to keep your tradition going. So it really is my pleasure to help make that happen." Carlisle's soft voice whispers close to my head. It's really incredible how their whole family so generous and lovely! Never had I the luck to meet anyone like them and now so many at once. It's really like winning in the lottery!
„Why don't we show you around the house? Would that be something you would like precious?" he asks me to which I simply nod in reply. Still way too overwhelmed to form words, forget even a sentence.

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