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Jaspers pov:
I can feel my princess slowly go from comfortable to sad and then to absolutely terrified and panicked. Just as I wanted to state my worry for our sweet mate, Clair starts to scream out in complete panic and pain. That combined with the emotions that swap towards me I feel absolutely terrified for her. Still I do try to send her soothing waves but they seem to not even get close to her.
„What happened?" Rosie asks as she runs into the living room followed by Alice who suddenly becomes even paler while her eyes go off into distance as if she gets pulled into a vision.
„What happend?" Marcus voice booms through the living room when he stops in front of his wailing and crying daughter. No matter what we say or try we can't seem to wake her up and therefore we also aren't able to get her out of this horror she is currently living in. Suddenly a black fog surrounds her body completely and she falls limp. I can also feel how her emotions slowly get back to normal. Which is incredible since it was overwhelming to even think she was this terrified as well as hurt for that long.
„I am sorry but I couldn't take it any longer." Alec apologizes to us. His eyes are filled with tears just like janes and everyone's else in this room.
„No, we need to thank you for this. She seems to calm down more and more right now." I thank him with an appreciative nod towards him.
„Alice? What did you see?" Carlisle questions her gently since she looks ready to collapse on the spot. Esme and Rosalie quickly hug her tightly to keep her upright. Thinking about it thought, her emotions were and still are pretty much the same as my princess just had. Did they both have the same vision? Was that what had happened?
„Clair won't go to school if we are staying at home and that is non negativ!" she states matter of factly.
„Are they fucking serious!?" Edward suddenly growls out completely furious in what he must of read in Alice mind. This definitely isn't good at all if this gets them to react like that!
„You lived this through her point of few, didn't you?" he asks her still really fuming at whatever the both of them found out. Alice only nods her head once in answer before she hides in the protective arms of her mates.
„Edward? What did you guys find out? This is our mate too! So don't act like we have no right to know it as well!" Emmet states rather pissed that he was holding important information back from us.
„That damn Swan Girl along with her just as stupid friends ganged up against our mate!" he simply states as he curls his fingers into a tight fist.
„She made sure Angela got away to call us for help. But when they saw one of them gone they went completely ballistic. They told her how we are her and Jessica's husbands." he goes on with a deep growl.
„The Newton boy held her hands behind her back so she wasn't able to protect herself or even fight back. That's when those two whores started to kick and punch MY darling!" he goes on and it is obvious to see that he is only holding onto a very thin tread before he runs off on a killing spree for hurting our mate. And as much as I heard till now I am pretty sure I would only help him with that! Who cares if we expose ourselves? They were planning on physically hurting our Mate! Our very reason to live!
„She screamed in pain but no one came to her aid! No one! And those assholes only enjoyed her obvious pain." Edward goes on.
„When Clair started to vomit a lot of blood they simply let her fall on the floor. That nasty swan girl once more growled to her to stay away from their husbands before telling her to do everyone a favor and die already." Edward ends, his whole body shaking vehemently now. The whole room has fallen completely quiet during his explanation and now afterwards. Everyone processing everything he just told us.
„And just as she started to lose consciousness Mister Kyger found her and took her with him." Alice softly says. Her voice very raw from the pain she as well must of felt during the assault she relieved in the body of my princess. The last sentence thought was the last straw. How dare them all!!!
„I want their names! All of their full names! And then I am going to teach them a fucking lesson! No one is allowed to even touch one hair of my daughter!" Marcus growls dead serious. It's clear that he himself won't allow that to happen as well as planning their punishment for even thinking of doing so.
„Master, if we could please help with them. At least let us get them and give us a few minutes alone with each of those beings." Jane growls just as furious as we all are. It's unusual for the set of twins to care for someone other than themselves and their masters, but somehow they seem to have a very soft spot for my mate. And I honestly am happy that it is that way! With them on our side as well, in the future no one will dare come anywhere close to my sweet princess.
„Of Course Jane! I wouldn't leave you two out of it." Marcus simply says with an appreciative nod towards them. When we hear some soft whining we all look towards a seemingly waking Clair. How is that possible? Alec is after all still sending his fog onto her? He also looks pretty shocked that someone could do that.
„Why are you all looking at me like that?" my princess quietly yet irritated asks. Her voice very raspy from screaming for quit some time not too long ago. Her finger right away grab her throat with a small whine. It seems to hurt her pretty bad.
„Let me take a look precious. Maybe I have something here that could help your sore throat." Carlisle softly says and makes her open her mouth to check out her painful throat. When Carlisle sighs heavily I know that it is worse than he has hoped.
„Your vocal cords are pretty swollen and red. I will go upstairs to see if I have some medicine for that in my study. Edward? Could you please make her a cup of tea, with a few scoops of honey!" he softly explains to our mate who is still holding her throat with a pained look in her eyes. When I see the first tears already forming in her normally shining green eyes, I quickly pick her up and place her on my lap instead.
„Shh, we will take care of you. No need for those tears princess. We are all here to help." I softly say and shush her. Not at all able to see her like this!
„Here is your tea darling. Try to take a few sips." Edward says as he holds the cup towards her still slightly wobbly lips. Slowly she takes three sips before she lays her head back under my chin.
„luckily I had some of these still upstairs. Try to swallow them precious. They will numb the pain for you." Carlisle says while running downstairs towards her. At first she looks not too impressed at the two pills he offers her, but after a bit more encouragement, she swallowed them with a few more sips of tea.
„Did I really scream that loud?" she asks us in a tiny whisper like voice. Guess she indeed slowly starts to realize that she once again had a vision instead of a dream.
„Sadly you did little one. We were really worried about you." Marcus says and kneels down in front of her to kiss her forehead softly.
„Sorry." she mumbles slightly ashamed but that's not going to happen. Nope, absolutely not!
„No need to apologize my love. That's not your fault at all! So please don't think so." Emmet strictly tells her before I could open my mouth. Still he pretty much said the thing we all would of, so it's fine! After hearing that, she slowly nods her head. Hopefully believing us!
„I won't have to go to school alone? Right?" she asks seemingly terrified. Which honestly is completely understandable after what she just went through! Alone from how Alice looked I know for sure that it must of been extremely painful!

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