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Carlisle's pov:
The first time my eyes fall on the most beautifullest being I have ever seen I am speechless! My mate is just absolutely incredible! The way she has been looking at the art piece I have drawn ages ago makes me beam in pride that she seems to like it. Her bright green eyes are so alluring and if my heart would still be beating it would only be beating for her from now on. When she hugged herself into me in a way to thank me for taking her mother's shift I couldn't be happier. After all those years of looking for my other half I finally have her close and in my arms where I could protect her from the world. I can feel a few wet spots form on my shirt, but I don't comment on it. My precious little angel surely wouldn't like that. Instead I ask her if she would like a tour of our home. The small nod I get from her in reply makes me melt for this sweet girl that belongs with us for eternity. Just as we were about to walk upstairs my phone starts to ring much to my annoyance. Hating to get distracted from spending time with my little angel. When I see that it's Aro who is calling though, I know I need to answer. I after all need to inform him on finding our mate anyway. So with a soft smile to my curiously watching angel, I excuse myself from them. Only for a short time however. After all I want to spend as much time with my long lost mate as I possibly can before she goes home and I back to work.
„Aro my friend, as always you are a step ahead of me." I say after I walked outside for privacy. Hearing his loud laugh through the phone makes me shake my head with a chuckle myself.
„I only called meaning to catch up, but now I am more than curious what you have to tell me!" he says still his happy self but his interest easy to hear even through the phone. Turning around to make sure that my angel isn't anywhere within eyesight. I after all can't risk to let her hear this conversation. She firstly needs to get accustomed to us before we can tell her of what we are and even more important what she is to us!
„The boys and i found our mate today. She is at our house at this very moment." I state proud that we finally found our reason to live. The loud inhale of shock only makes me shake my head. I can hear him whisper something to surely his brothers before Marcus voice excitedly wants to know everything about my precious angel. He was one of the only vampire who truly understood how lonely we have been till now. So it is heartwarming that he is so excited for our happiness now, even though I wish he could meet his second chance mate too. Now that I finally know what an incredible feeling it is to be close to our love, I can only hope for his true happiness to come to him again too.
„That's incredible news Carlisle! We all are very happy for you guys! You all deserve to be happy especially after you have been searching for such a long time." Aro says truthfully.
„Thank you three, this means a lot to us. We do hope we can get her comfortable around us quickly. She after all is still human so we can't rush her into this." I thank them before explaining the situation we have at our hands now. His approving humming soothes my worries a bit. The three kings have always been good friends of ours, still we need their allowance to tell our mate about our world. Of course not just yet! But in the future.
„Why don't we come to visit you guys in a few weeks! We after all want to meet the new addition to your family my friend." Caius questions but honestly simply states.
„You know you are always welcome around here." I reply. Hoping this call will end soon, not because i don't want to talk with them, but because i want to get back to my sweet little angel. I can hear Marcus saying something to his brothers, but I couldn't fully understand him.
„Marcus Just scolded us for keeping you away from your dear mate for that long. So why don't we talk later on?" Aro says with a knowing chuckle that only makes me smile in joy that I can go back now to get to know my mate some more. After all I don't know anything other what her mother has been telling me.
„Thank you Aro and also thanks to your brothers for the understanding that I need to be close to my mate right now. I will call you later on to set a date when you will come to visit us." I say to which I get an approval Mhm in reply. The second the call ended, I turn around to look where my sweet little angel is right now. With a deep inhale I follow her sweet scent to Jaspers room where all three of my boys, as well as our mate are in at the moment. Jasper is showing her his collection of books since she asked about them. She listens closely to what his favorites are and comments on one or the other. To my surprise she read a lot of those books herself already, which is rather unusual for a girl her age. All of those books aren't that popular. Most of them are even history books and war books. Jasper always loved to read them since he as well was a soldier in his human life.
„Are you guys finished with the other rooms already?" I ask softly to get my angels attention back on me. As i see her incredible green eyes light up when she looks at me i feel like i accomplished something amazingly, which i did. At least in my eyes.
„We Did and I have to complement you on your home. It's so homey and beautiful. All those windows make it feel like we are out in the woods and not in a house." she says with that sweet voice of hers. Without thinking that much about it, I pull her into a soft hug and kiss her forehead lovingly. The three boys are smiling widely at us softly, luckily we knew that we share a mate for a very long time. That's why we aren't jealous of each other, we after all know that we belong together and that our mate needs us all and we all need our mate.

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