CH. 24| Money

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I was out at the strip club while Reign was at home sleep. I had to get this money up before the baby came. Lil man had Reign getting big as hell but she was mostly ass and hips. Her stomach poked but not as much as her ass.

I watched as my friends threw money at the dancers but me, I was staying to myself. I had a mission and I was going to finish it. I was here to set up a plan with my new connect. He was a top dollar guy if you ask me. Plus he wasn't known in Chicago so that'd save me alot of trouble. He owned his own air company which was convenient for us when moving the drugs from state to state. Soon country to country.

I stood in VIP looking over the crowd waiting for him to show up and he didn't. Time was passing by and I had already been here for a couple hours. I was ready to go home and be with my babies. I continued to call his phone but he didn't answer. Son of a bitch! He stood me up.

"What's wrong Von?" One of my homies asked me.

"The connect isn't here yet. I think he stood me up. "I told him.

"Aye imma make some calls and see what I come up with. "He said then he disappeared from my section. A group of guys came into VIP, one of them smirked at me and that shit rubbed me the wrong way. I gripped my gun on my hip to warn him. He raised up his shirt then smiled at me.

I don't know who the fuck he think he is. The homie need to hurry up before I would've been caused trouble in here.

I stepped down from VIP and wandered through the crowd. A girl grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I snatched my arm away from her. I wasn't having a repeat of what happened last time. That'd be the last thing I did to Reign especially while she's pregnant.

I went to the bar to get a drink.

"What would you like?" The bartender asked me.

"Do you have a coke?" I asked her. I wasn't in the mood for liquor tonight.

"Um did you not know that this was a bar. I mean it's obvious that you're at a club. We only serve liquor. "She said. Then she flipped her hair over her shoulder.

"Bitch if your wrong turn looking ass don't watch your tone. "I snapped at her.

"What the fuck you gone do predator?" She snapped back. 

"You know what. "I threw some ice on her ass. Put that hoe on chill mode.

She started being over dramatic like the typical female. I left from over there and went back into VIP.

"Word is, the connect got a hold of these new niggas and liked their deals. I don't know what they brought to the table but it must've been good. I told you they was gone be a problem but you ain't listen. "He told me.

"Well aight. Let's go handle these niggas tonight. "I told him.

"We can't do it now because the connect added security to their team. "He said.

"FUCK! This shit ain't fair. "I said.

"Von calm down. We just need to observe then make some moves. "He told me.

"Aight well take me home. I'm ready to go see my girl. "

He laughed at me then we both walked from VIP then out the club. We got in the car then headed home. A few minutes into driving, gunshots start sounding off everywhere. My homie sped the car up trying to get away from the shots. I shot back but they had way more people than us. They shot out our back tires then the car ran off the road. Luckily it just went into a ditch.

"Aye bro you good?" I asked my homie and he was straight. I was good too.

I called Reign to come get us. She was mad as fuck but she still was on the way. I know she gone snap the whole way home. The car was smoking a little but it was shot up pretty bad. It's crazy how all their bullets missed.

Reign car pulled up and we got in.

"Are yall ok?" She asked us.

"Yeah we good. Are you and the baby ok?" My homie asked her. I frowned at his ass cause why the fuck he talking to my girl.

"Yes we're fine thanks for asking. "She laughed. "Baby how was your night?" She asked me.

I rolled my eyes and started looking out the window. "It was alright. Didn't go as planned but it'll be okay. "

"Awwww don't be sad I'm pretty sure whatever you had planned that didn't work out, you're going to receive something better. Just trust in it baby. "She said. I smiled because her ass always brought light to the tunnel and I loved that about her.

Right before we was about to exit the interstate, a van runs into us. It made the car flip at least three times. I heard Reign screech and that was all I heard from her.

"REIGN!" I yelled one the car stopped flipping. No response.

I called her name again and still no response. I got out the car and went over to her side. Her side was pretty dented up so we couldn't get her out.

The firemen had to come assist us and help get her out the car. I assume someone who witnessed it called the police.

When they got her out the car, they put her on a bed. Her head was gashed open and she was unresponsive.

They rushed her into the back of the ambulance truck but they wouldn't let me on.

"Yo what the fuck? Someone is allowed to ride back there. "I said to them.

"Sir this truck is too small. "The lady said.

"Well get your fat ass out of it. Shaped like a fucking big mac. "I snapped at her.

"You know what I'll do that and I hope she die. "She said to me then she spit in my face. I rammed her head into the damn wall on the truck. My homie came and pulled me up off her.

"Man yall stop it. Reign needs to go to the hospital now. Ma'am I'm sorry for the trouble but please for the sake of their unborn child, take care of her. "He said.

I jumped off the truck with him following behind me. The police came up to me tryna arrest me but I wasn't going for that shit. I demanded they ass to take me to the hospital and that's exactly what they did.

Happy Valentine's Day my loves 💕 I hope yall had a good one.

And I appreciate all the comments I've been receiving on this book. I try to read and reply to majority of them.

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