Chapter 17: The honor and dishonor in defense

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Michelle studied the formation for a moment and their preparations and then she figured out the tactics they were about to use. The squires would advance to the wall, while the knights provided cover fire, making it difficult for the defenders to shoot at the squires. The squires would come over the wall and engage the archers in melee. Then the knights would advance without worrying about the defenders shooting at them. Brutal on the squires, but an effective strategy to get the knights into melee with the defenders, what they were best at. Then she heard Fandy's voice whispering in her ear.

"Fandy use trick so Legionnaires can hear each other."

Michelle recalled the last time Fandy had tried to use this trick – she hadn't been able to include everyone. "Listen up: squires are coming. Shoot them but use the wall for cover. Up, shoot, down. Those knights are going to be raining arrows down on our head and we need the cover. When the squires come over the wall, leave the melee to Steven, Stura, Talitha, Sir Aliea and myself. The rest of you, use your spells or arrows. The knights are coming once there's less fire. Lets get started on those squires."

Michelle strung her bow and got an arrow ready. Sarah was singing a blessing – not one that was familiar to Michelle, as Michelle sent her first arrow toward the squire directly in her line of sight, then she ducked down behind the wall. Sarah's song continued. Michelle whispered through Fandy's trick, "Remember – if you're in trouble or see someone in trouble, call for help." Ailea did something that Michelle had never seen her do before – she called upon Habbakuk for a spell. She couldn't see what had happened, because she was in cover, but she heard a lot of shouting from where two groups of Nerakans were preparing.

Talitha, in the periphery of Michelle's sight, drank a potion. She smiled afterwards, dropping the flask, which made Michelle wonder if she'd been dipping into Sarah's brandy. Lady Gilleana used one of her spells, but the effect didn't reach Michelle. Stura did exactly what Michelle did – popped up, shot at a squire, and then ducked down behind the wall for cover. Fandy put up a defensive trick, her fingers tracing glowing arcs in the air in front of her as always. Steven also drink from a flask, dropping it to the side as he got the bow out.

Michelle heard the Nerakan commander calling out some orders, but the words weren't in a language she recognized. Apparently his perfect attack plan required some adjustment. She peeked over to see what was happening. Two of the formations, the center and left flank had been caught in an explosion of plant growth, which was twining about the Nerakans and holding them in place. In order to preserve the simultaneity of the attack, the initial attack was delayed until the knights and squires had freed themselves from the plants.

"Shoot or more preparation now," Michelle whispered to the others and stood up to fire off an arrow and then back down into cover. Sarah finished singing her first blessing and a floating ball of light appeared near to her. Sarah gestured generally at the people behind the wall and said, "Help all my friends." The she started to sing another blessing. This one called upon Branchala's might to infuse a weapon and she gestured at Michelle's rapier at the end. Her left hand lay on the medallion of faith at her neck throughout. Ailea strung her bow and stood up to shoot an arrow at a squire, then hunched into cover. Talitha reached into than tan bag, drew out a fuzzy ball, and tossed it on the other side of the wall. This time a huge, gray skinned quadruped appeared. The creature was ten feet long, five feet high, with horns and a temper. Talitha gestured toward the central Nerakan group, and the creature turned looking in that direction.

Lady Gilleana pulled out her bow and strung it, using the same trick as Michelle to spot and shoot a squire, while staying hidden behind the wall. Stura and Steven also shot in this manner at a squire. Fandy moved over to use one of her tricks on Stura. The Nerakan commander could again be heard giving orders and then came the hail of arrows. Most of the arrows shattered on the wall, some made it close but could not be precisely targeted due to the concealment Michelle had hiding behind the wall. Michelle checked along the wall to make sure her friends were still okay. She waited for a pause and stood to shoot again. Immediately after she crouched behind the wall.

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