Chapter 6: The Mission in the Manor

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Steven brought them up to the gate and the guards there demanded their invitation. Michelle passed it through the window on the carriage door, giving the man her best winsome smile as she did. The invitations didn't have names on them but did have a particular watermark that would have proven difficult to forge. The guard gave it a cursory inspection and handed it back to Michelle before nodding to the other guards to permit them access. Steven started the horses moving shortly after the gates were opened and rove along towards the Manor house.

"Take your time," Michelle told him through the open window. "We don't want to appear too eager, and this will give us all an opportunity to see what we need to see in daylight." Her eyes scanned the terrain, noting the differences between what she had seen during the scouting trip and what was clearly visible now. The carriage rounded a bend in the trail and the huge Manor House became visible to the left of the carriage.

Sarah's eyes widened and then she smiled. "The Baron has done very well for himself, hasn't he?"

"Don't be too envious," Michelle murmured, "after all, the Nerakans are holding his wife hostage to force him to give up these elves. I'd say that means not all is well in the Githrudas household right now."

Steven brought the carriage to a halt and stepped down to open the door and help the ladies out. His expression was somber throughout, but he did murmur to Michelle in Camptalk as she climbed down, "Good luck."

Michelle giggled as if Steven had spoken some witticism and then she stepped over and grabbed Sarah's arm. "So exciting to be at a Ball again," she said in the trade language, a louder tone positively seething with pretentious glee. "Oh look, Laura, more guards. Does the Baron expect goblins to come to his Ball, do you think?"

Sarah, playing her part, stepped along with Michelle. Both ladies were now exhibiting the poise and sophistication of noble ladies. Their walk was carefully measured and their posture was upright and refined. Even their tones when they spoke oozed education and entitlement. "Well, he certainly has plenty of them! Perhaps he's worried all the ladies he's invited won't have dance partners?" She yielded the invitation to one of the guards, who took it along to be examined by a rather stern-faced looking butler.

"And whom shall I present you as, miladies?"

"Lady Laura Sevastian and Lady Maureen Sevastian," Michelle said, pausing a moment as if expecting some kind of reaction. Then she added, "We're twins, though I'm much less trouble than my sister." This set Sarah off in girlish giggles and the butler escorted them into the house, apparently hoping to deal with them as quickly as possible. They were presented in a reception hall that was about forty feet by forty feet, littered with couches, buffet tables, and a couple of floor to ceiling bookshelves. The ceiling must have been fifteen feet from the floor, maybe more. The oil lamps were seated in golden sconces. A chandelier with dozens of candles was suspended from the center of the ceiling. It was far grander that anything Michelle had ever seen, and for the slightest fraction of a second, she just had to stare. The butler moved to take their cloaks, but withdrew at their demure retraction. Then Sarah was moving, and so Michelle moved with her, along to greet their host. The flawless curtsy was perfectly synchronized as the two ladies met Baron Githrudas for the first time.

"Ladies it is a pleasure. I am so glad you could make it," the baron said, a puzzled line on his brow in spite of his genteel manners.

Michelle leaned close to the baron to speak to him in hushed whisper meant to be kept confidential from those around. "Sir Malcolm sends his regrets. He bid us come in his place."

The baron continued to frown, but he replied in a similar tone, "Then I am delighted you could come, ladies. Please do enjoy the refreshments while we wait for other guests to arrive."

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