Chapter 2: A Daring Rescue

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Michelle navigated the wall with as much stealth as she could muster. Taking a short run at it, she leapt up grabbing hold of the top of the wall and then flipped herself over. She was a very experienced and well trained acrobat, but twelve foot high walls were still a serious obstacle. She settled in by the wall, looking to see if any of the Squires on patrol had heard or seen anything and then lowered the rope for Fandy to climb up. Fandy was in her chain shirt and carried the two handed sword and short sword she always wore whenever combat was possible. This evening, she also had a bow and arrows – she was prepared for anything. Michelle's gear included darkened studded leather armor, her favorite rapier (not the pretty one), a sap (which resembled a beaver's tail) and a variety of items in her six pouches at her waist. Her hair was restrained in a ponytail. She was hoping none of the weapons would be necessary.

Lunitari's glow was dampened this evening by the clouds overhead. Michelle packed the looped rope on her back and then preceded Fandy to the nearest access point. They descended just ahead of the Nerakan patrol, huddling under the wall where the shadows were most likely to conceal them from sight. Only after the squires had gone a hundred feet beyond Michelle's position did she start out across town, keeping to the shadowed overhangs of the buildings they passed. At one point, two knights of the Lily on horseback went past, blissfully unaware of the two stealthy Legionnaires on their way toward the dockside taverns.

Michelle and Fandy reached the tavern that they suspected Sarah would have gone for her brandy and slipped inside. Their gear was not out of place here, as the tavern was notable for the dock workers and sailors that frequented it. Michelle stepped over to the bar, ignoring the cat-calls and jeers that followed her and Fandy's progress. At the bar, she flagged down the barman and gave him a warm smile.

"Hi. My little sister and I were in here the other night and there was a minstrel playing mandolin and singing. We were hoping to hire her for a private party. I notice she's not in here now, but.. do you know where she might be?" Michelle dropped a couple of coins on the bar.

"What she look like?"

"About my height, a bit plump, red hair, lovely voice.."

"Oh aye – she was in here earlier. Looks like a few youths took her off for their own private party, if you know what I mean." The man's grin was salacious and his wink was less than surreptitious. Michelle resisted the urge to slam his face into the bar.

"Are the youths regulars?" Michelle kept on smiling, her tone low.

"Yeah, one of the waitresses is the girlfriend to the oldest one." He waved her over. "Donna," he said, "these ladies are looking for the minstrel your friends went off with earlier."

Donna was a skinny girl with black hair and brown eyes and the kind of surly expression that likely develops after working in such an establishment for an extended period of time. "Oh yeah? Well Frank weren't with 'em. He'll be by later though. Gonna treat me ta dinner, or so he said."
Michelle considered the girl carefully. "Frank you say?" Her tone was arch. "Is he a local? Dockworker, perhaps?"

Donna raised one eyebrow. "What's it to you?"

"Well, a friend of mine works at that House over on Quay street.. you know the one, I'm sure. She mentioned a dockworker named Frank that the girls had to ban. He's, uh, apparently dirty. You know. With disease."


"Well, I'm not one to pry, of course. I do have some herbs that could take care of the problem for him. If you'd tell me where to find him.." Michelle's eyes touched on the waitress', effecting sympathy and friendliness.

"Why don't you just leave them with me?"

"Well, how were you going to explain to him why you are giving them to him?" Michelle could feel the barman's impatience growing behind her and so she slipped the waitress a few coins. "Buy yourself dinner with that and let me take care of your boyfriend for you."

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