Chapter 3: An evening of Stories

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The caravan saw three Nerakan patrols on the road on the first day out from Alsip. Twice they were stopped and twice Michelle and Sarah had bluffed their way past the patrol, each time with the story that they were merchants on their way to Pensdale. It helped that they had contacts and genuine business in Pensdale – the story was credible because it was mostly true. As the shadows started to stretch out and dusk came closer, they found a suitable clearing to the side of the main trail through the forest and made camp. The snow was fairly thin on the ground and the skies were overcast but not leaking. Michelle helped Sarah out with the animals and camp fire, leaving the cooking and food preparation to Fandy and Steven, who made a nutritious but unappetizing stew that involved rabbit, a couple of vegetables and a healthy selection of wild blueberries.

For a while, the group ate in companionable silence and then Michelle broke the silence. "I think, for the cover we're using at the ball, we'll need to pick up one of those fancy carriages in Pensdale. I'll also need to acquire a couple of ball gowns for Sarah and myself. For one night only, we will be the Sevastian identical twins, Laura and Maureen." She paused a moment, considering, looking for input from the others.

"You planning on armor under the gowns, because if I recall those torture devices correctly, they emphasize decolletage and de-emphasize the waist. Even your vaunted disguise skills are going to be hard pressed to conceal armor under such conditions." Sarah's tone was wry.


"There are potions that will help, yes. Fandy can put them in a hip flask, but where would Michelle and Sarah hide them?"

"We'll have cloaks. It's cold enough for us to retain them for the banquet, and we'll need to get the elves out before the dancing starts. Smokesticks can also go into the cloaks. We'll have rapiers as part of the outfit, of course, so we'll be armed."

"You will, you mean," Sarah said then, still grinning. "I'm not very expert with such things. But I'm guessing I'm there for spellcaster support. I'll need a place to stow my components. What about my medallion of faith? It's going to be pretty obvious."

"I know. I'm hoping you can put it in a cloak pocket until the plan is active." Michelle looked at Sarah and her sister nodded, though she looked a little uncertain. "Alright. So we go in wearing the ball gowns, get frisked at the door and then head in to the banquet. Hopefully, at some point during the meal we will identify the elves in question and at the end of the meal we swig the armor potions and persuade the elves to accompany us out of the trap. Steven and Fandy wait for us outside and take care of any squires or knights on patrol out there before we leave. Smoke for the distraction and we get the elves out some other way than the front or back door. We head off as quick as we can and then head down south to Swiftwater. All assuming the elves cooperate."

"Right – that seems to be a sticking point right there," Steven said. "I mean, if it were me, I'd want to pick up my gear before running off with complete strangers. How are you going to convince them there's a problem, for example?"

"We find some Nerakans and point them out to them?" This from Sarah.

"No, Steven has a point," Michelle said with a frown on her face. "Even if there are Nerakans present, it doesn't mean they are there for the elves. We may need to provoke the Nerakans into trying their capture prematurely."

"I could flirt with one of them?" Sarah is grinning again. "Distract him into thinking he needs to do something drastic to keep their plan together?"

"I doubt your ability to flirt outrageously will suffice to distract a Nerakan knight on a mission. Submit or die, remember? They have their Code, Sarah, and are not likely to let a pretty girl distract them from the goal – the penalty for failure is too great."

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