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Today is Monday, May 18th; my first day as an agent with the Behavioral Analysis Unit.

I was awoken by the sound of my alarm. I instantly jumped out of bed and started to get ready. I was so excited for work today.

I took Gunner out, made myself a bowl of cereal, then got ready in the bathroom. In the bathroom I brush my teeth, wash my face, and apply my normal makeup routine. I then head to my closet to pick out an outfit for the day.

I wanted to dress pretty nice for my first day. Although the team had already seen me multiple times, I was most likely going to be meeting a few new faces. I pick tan chiqui pants that had a built in belt that tied in the front. For my top, I select a thin camisole with lace across the top, accompanied with a white blazer. Finally, I clasp my necklace around my neck.

Once dressed, I go back to the bathroom to lightly curl my hair

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Once dressed, I go back to the bathroom to lightly curl my hair.

After, I say goodbye to Gunner and leave for work.


When I arrive, I grab my bag and the box of desk things I left in my car over the weekend. With my arms full, I make my way towards the building.

I take the elevator straight to floor six, which felt a little weird, and stepped off where I was greeted by Morgan.

"Hey, Sweet Cheeks! Let me help you with that." He said as he took the box from my hands.

"Thank you, Derek. So, which desk is mine?" I asked as we stood facing the many desks scattered across the floor.

"Elle's was the one across from Reid's." He answered, pointing to where Reid was sitting, who then waved us over.

The two of us approached my new desk, where Morgan set my box down.

"Are you excited for your first day?" Reid asked eagerly.

"Yeah I guess, I'm kinda nervous though." I shrugged my shoulders as I started to unpack my things.

"Don't worry. As of right now, we don't have a case, so it should just be busy work." Morgan reassured me, before making his way back to his desk.

I started unpacking my things, placing my basic office supplies in the drawer. I then pulled out the picture frame of me and my parents from my high school graduation, two years before my dad died. I smiled at the memory, before placing the frame in the right corner of my desk.

I clutched the necklace my father gave me with my left hand as I finished unloading the box.

"You okay?" Spencer asked, noticing my hand holding my necklace.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied. Some days were harder than others, and I wasn't quite sure why today was hitting so hard.

He nodded, and returned to the paperwork on his desk.

Garcia then came over with a small blue bag in her hand.

"I got you this welcoming gift!" She said excitedly.

"Penelope, you shouldn't have." I sighed, feeling bad.

"Oh shut your mouth and open it already!" She said fully extending her arm, pushing the bag closer to me.

I took the bag and placed it on my desk. I removed the white tissue paper and carefully unwrapped it. Inside was a small lime green turtle figurine.

"Everyone on the team has one. Consider it a little good luck charm!" She explained happily.

"It's adorable! I love it!" I spoke as we hugged.

I put the small turtle right in front of the picture of my parents and smiled,

"Thank you."

She nodded and headed back for her lair.

I sat down at my new desk for the first time and sighed. I was about to grab a case file to begin working, when I was interrupted by Spencer.

"Incoming." He warned.

Before I even had a chance to ask what he was talking about, I heard my name being called.

"Carter." It was Hotch. He was leaning on the railing separating his elevated office from the floor below. His muscles popping through his tight suit jacket.

He bobbed his head back, indicating me to join him in his office.

I quickly stood up from my seat, walked up the small flight of stairs, then entered his office doors.

He was standing behind his desk packing things into a brief case.

"Since we don't have a case, I think it'd be best we head to the shooting range now. I don't want to waste time, and I'd like you in the field as soon as possible." He spoke sternly, not looking up from the case on his desk.

"Yes, Sir, I'll go get my bag." I nodded eagerly. I was super excited for this, not only was I learning how to properly shoot a gun, I get to spend time with Hotch; sober this time.

I excitedly ran down the stairs and grabbed my bag.

"Where are you going?" Reid asked, noticing my rush.

"To the shooting range, Hotch is gonna train me for the field."

"Hotch is? Is Strauss making him?" He asked confused.

"No, he offered actually."

Spencer froze, looking shocked at the words he just heard.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, nothing. Good luck." He said as he went back to his work.

Hotch then exited his office, and walked down the stairs.

"You ready?" He asked.

I nodded and we headed for the elevator. The indoor shooting range was in the basement, below the main lobby.

The ride down was somewhat awkward. Neither of us spoke. I was excited yet extremely nervous. I've shot a gun before, but never like this.

When the elevator doors opened, we were met by the sound of multiple gun shots, causing me to flinch.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it." He chuckled.

We put our things in the lockers, and each grabbed a pair of clear glasses, along with bulky ear muffs. We looked ridiculous, but it was safety protocol.

Hotch then grabbed a few guns and prepared them for us to use.

He stepped forward, lined the gun with the target, and shot. The sound not effecting him once. He pulled away to see he hit the target, exactly where the heart would be located.

"Now, you try."


A/N: Happy New Year everyone! I wish you all the best in 2021:)
Do you like when I add a pic of the fit? I'll do it more often if it helps! If not, I'll stop:) Please lmk which you prefer! - A

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