-Chapter 3-

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Its been a couple days since Eri bumped into the Hero's. I just got back from one of the experiments and Eri helped me redo my bandages. I look around at the toys on the floor. I can see that our new caretaker has gotten us a few more. I always put them in the closet where i cant see them. But i decide to leave these new ones out. I'm too weak to put them away anyway. Suddenly Overhaul opens the door and grab's Eri. "Y/n stay here until i come and get you. Don't even think about running." He closed the door and i waited until the footsteps were gone to relax. 

I noticed something new in the room. There was a bookshelf. I picked up one of the books. It had no cover i opened it and began to read. It was about 5 minutes after i started the book i heard explosions. I set down the book and was about to leave the room when i remembered what Overhaul told me. "Don't even think about running." I could hear footsteps above me. What's going on? I get off the bed and shiver as my bare feet hit the floor. It's always freezing down here. I walk over to the closet and pull out new bandages for when Eri comes back. Whatever Overhaul is doing it must be intense. 

I waited and waited and waited. But Eri never came back. I wanted to go see what happened but i didn't want to be punished. So i continued to wait, and wait, and wait. On the third day i was starving. I was starting to give up hope that Eri would ever come back. Maybe Overhaul left me. Should i go and find someone? Suddenly the door swung open. In walked my worst nightmare. Overhaul.

"Good your still here. That means my plan is far from over." He walks over and grabs my arm dragging me out of the room. I look around and i can see crumpled parts of the building littering the floor. I try to avoid being cut by the sharp pieces but being bare foot doesn't help. Eventually Overhaul brings me to the fourth floor. Its the farthest underground you can get in the lair. There are labs everywhere down here and its only used for torturing people who speak bad about Overhaul.

I've always been told im never ever allowed down here. And now i know why. There is blood everywhere. Torture devices, needles, knives, machines, chains. The fear is so intense i start to shake after just a few seconds of seeing it. Is thats whats going to happen to me? He drags me down a few more hallways before throwing me into a new room. The bed it much smaller than the one me and Eri used to share but there was a table in the middle of the room with a chair. Probably for meals. The room was a decent size but when the closet opened up it led straight to a lab. 

"I will bring you food in a few hours. Get comfy your going to be here for a while." Overhaul said as he left the room. I noticed a box of bandages in the corner of the room. Good at least they don't want me to bleed out. As i look at my new living space i cant help but think, where are you Eri?


Eri's POV

I open my eyes. Everything in the last few days is fuzzy. I look up at the white ceiling and immediately my mind goes to the lab. I see a few people coming into the room trying to ask me questions. I can't focus though. Then i see a needle. I curl up into a ball not wanting to be hurt. The people in my room back off and i look at them with curiosity. Are these people good? like the people that saved me? 

The people in the room start saying things like "Don't worry." "Your safe now" "We aren't going to hurt you." I panic and look around for Y/n. I don't see her anywhere. "Relax Eri." I look towards the source of the voice and i see a man with black messy hair. "These are the doctors. They just want to help you.

The doctors notice that i relax and come forward again. I can feel a slight pinch in my arm as one of them draws blood. I'm scared but i can feel that these people are good. "Where's Lemillion? And the hero with the green hair?" i ask. The man with black hair comes forwards and says "I believe you are talking about Mirio and Midoriya. They are at school right now im there teacher Shota Aizawa." He says. "Can i see them?" i ask him. "When your feeling a bit better then yes." Aizawa said as he left the room.

The doctors run a few tests and I can see how gentle they are. Eventually they leave me to rest. As im drifting into sleep all i can think about is of Y/n is ok. 



Back to my usual habit of three chapters a day! Wow i must be really bored if i have resorted to writing over winter break. Usually i would lock my self in my room and watch anime but for now this is entertaining enough! Thank you for reading and have a great rest of your Day/Night!

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