another girl shank

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We ran to the Box, a strange feeling in all of our chests. The Box was only supposed to come up once a month with new supplies and a new Greenie. Who knew the blaring alarm could cause such a commotion and blistering fear...

Close on Thomas' heels, I pushed to the front of the crowd who was looking down. I studied their faces and noticed that almost all of the boys had their eyebrows furrowed and looking down at Newt, who was already in the Box. He stood back up just as Frypan asked what was down there. He made direct eye contact with me, before muttering three words that invoked different feelings in every person.

"It's a girl..."

I leaned forward on my right leg and looked down, seeing that there was another girl in the Box. Making a quick decision, I leaped inside, kneeling next to her unmoving body. She was quite pretty actually. Her dark hair fanned around her face, and her pale skin contrasted with the dainty freckles. But as soon as I looked at her, I got an unsteady feeling in the pit of my stomach. She was either a glitch in the system— because we weren't supposed to have another Greenie for a month, or something bad was happening.

I looked back up at the boys right in time to see Thomas push his way to the front, his eyes landed on the unconscious girl. He froze as if he knew something that the rest of us didn't.

Newt leaned over her body, examining it without actually touching her. He moved his way over to my side, and knelt, "I think she's dead..."

My eyes lifted and I turned my head to him, but he didn't meet my gaze. My heart started to race with the thoughts of why they would bring a dead Greenie to us. Was it a warning? A sign? Gally was right, things are changing. And not for the better. Ever since Thomas came up, weird things have been happening every day. I refuse to believe that it's his fault though. He always looked clueless and like he didn't have a hint of knowledge of what was happening. But the way he was looking at the girl was a bit suspicious.

"What's in her hand?" Gally asked.

I gazed up at him and back down at the girl. Slowly leaning forward, I hesitantly reached into her hand and grabbed the small roll of paper she was holding by her temple. Looking over at Newt, I opened it and read to the entire Glade.

"She's the last one..." I furrowed my eyebrows, "Ever."

Murmurs broke out above the ground, and I looked up at Thomas and Gally while Newt spoke all of our thoughts, "What the hell does that mean?"

As soon as the words fell from his lips, the girl let out a loud gasp, making me squeal. Newt put his arm out in front of me and fell backward as well, taking me with him. The girl's eyes were bright blue, almost like they were fake. She gasped for air, as though she had been deprived of it for quite some time. She kept her eyes on something above the ground, and I didn't even have to turn around before I knew what she was looking at.

"Thomas," She breathed his name, "Everything's going to change."

And as quickly as she woke up, her head hit the ground, and her breathing slowed down like she had just been put into a deep sleep. Everybody in the Glade suddenly lifted their heads slowly to look at Thomas, who had just been handed the spotlight. He looked back at all of them with parted lips, acting like he was just as shocked as us. I exhaled a shaky breath and shook my head of the fearful thoughts, reminding myself that giving in will only make things worse.

"Still Think I'm overreacting?" Gally asked, looking at everyone in the Glade. I rolled my eyes and clenched my jaw, knowing that he might be right. But I didn't want to believe him.

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