little army

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   "Okay, so when we get to the Griever hole—"

   "Ninja star." I corrected Newt, making Minho stifle a laugh.

   He rolled his eyes and turned back to Chuck, telling him the plan, "Ninja star... You're gonna open it up with the key Thomas has. Got it?"

   "What if there's a Griever?" Chuck asked us, swinging his legs in the air. He was too short to touch the ground from the stool he was sitting on in the weapons room.

   I shrugged, handing him two spears, "Then we fight it off. We're going into the Griever den, can't expect there not to be any Grievers."

   "Well, I was just hoping that we would get lucky."

   I turned around and gave him a disbelieving smirk, "Because we seem to have all the luck in the world..."

   The little boy shrugged, holding his left arm out for Minho to drape a bag of supplies over, "You're right," Minho let go of the bag, almost sending Chuck to fall off of the stool, "Jesus, Minho. What'd you put in here?"

   "Stuff we need," The Runner replied shortly. I rolled my eyes and turned back around to where Newt was looking for something in one of the boxes Minho had brought back from the map room. He had his eyebrows furrowed in frustration, and his arm was almost swallowed by the box.

   I smirked at him, "What are you looking for?"

   "My old satchel," He replied, sticking his head into the box, "I can't find it."

   "Well," I replied tightening his satchel around my chest, "I hope you find what you're looking for..."

   All of us were in a surprisingly good mood. Of course, we were nervous for the action ahead. But what we really cared about was getting out of these four walls. And now that Thomas, Minho, and I were about to lead the way to it, there was nothing but pure anticipation flowing through our veins. I think Newt and Minho were the most excited though. After being squished within these four walls for two years, they deserved to get out more than probably any of us. I know that they would both disagree with that and say that we all deserved to get out and to go home—wherever that was—but if they didn't make it out then I think this whole thing would just be somewhat of a waste.

   "Mae," Minho called my name. I snapped out of my thoughts and turned my head towards him, "You're the best with spears."

   I nodded and took the wooden stick out of his hand and placed it in the back of my satchel. I grabbed Newt's machete that he always had, and I quickly wrapped it around his shoulders, making him look back at me. He sent me a warm excited smile, and I sent one back, patting his shoulder in reassurance. When I turned back around, Minho and Chuck were watching us with annoying smiles on their faces.

   I rolled my eyes and groaned, "Newt...they're doing it again."

   "What?" Minho threw his hands up in defense, "We were just admiring the cute couple. You should be thankful. If it wasn't for me, you guys probably wouldn't be together. Am I right, Chuck?"

   "Yep," Chuck agreed, popping the 'p'. I looked back at Newt, who was trying to hold back a smirk.

   "Maybe you're just jealous that you don't have a girlfriend, Minho," I breathed, bending down to grab some knives from another box. Chuck and Newt both laughed and pointed at Minho, who was now scowling at me. I winked at the boy, knowing that I was the only one who could really get under his skin, "Now go get me some water. Need to stay hydrated..."

   The boy rolled his eyes and sighed with annoyance, "Do you need anything else, madam?" He tried to sound like he was mocking me, but I just played along.

When We're Older- The Maze Runner (Newt)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang