min-min training lessons

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my fav one so far.

   He led me down the steps of the Homestead with a smirk on his face that seemed to grow by the minute.

   "Minho, where the hell are we going?" I whisper shouted to him as he leapt over the open window of Frypan's kitchen. He turned back to face me, his features only being lit by the moonlight.

   "Just shut up," He opened the fridge and grabbed two water bottles, tossing one over his shoulder at me. I gasped and fumbled with it for a few seconds before looking back at him, "We're gonna need these, so don't drink it right now."

   "Why?" I asked, feeling my confusion rise. Minho ignored me and hopped over the window again, making his way to the poorly-built door. I debated whether to ask him where we were going again, but I realized that he would probably just shut me down, so I stayed silent and followed close behind him as we walked across the Glade for what seemed like the millionth time that day.

   Minho didn't say a word as he led me to where the other boys slept. I walked as slowly and as quietly as I could, careful not to wake up anyone who was fast asleep. We passed Thomas and Chuck, who were sound asleep and snoring up a storm. I smiled at both of them, feeling the tiniest bit touched by the two. If I couldn't sleep, it was good to watch other people find peace in the sanity of the day.

   "Hurry up, shank!" Minho whisper-shouted to me, motioning me to follow him. I rolled my eyes and took one last look at the two boys before following my annoying friend. We made out way to the closest torch we could find, and he grabbed it off the wall. He turned around and started to swiftly walk towards the Deadheads, a place I wasn't sure I wanted to ever step foot in again.

"Minho," I whispered, catching up and placing my hand on his shoulder, "I-I don't think I wanna go in there..."

He let out a breathy laugh, "Relax, Greenie. You'll be fine. I just wanna show you some stuff."

I followed him as he led me back through the forest, the warm glow from the torch in his hand lighting our way. We weaved through trees and under branches, going deeper and deeper into the trees every moment. With every step I took, it seemed as though the foliage seemed to become somewhat like a blanket, blocking out any possible light from the moon that had been guiding us before, and the trunks of the shrubs became thicker. He led me to the back corner, where the East wall and North wall met. We finally stopped, and he turned around with an amused smile on his face.

"I set this up a while ago," He pointed to the space around him, "Was bored one day and I almost got attacked by a shucking Griever, so I taught myself how to be cool."

"What do you mean?" I asked. Hanging down from a tree was some kind of weird punching bag. It looked like a net stuffed to the brim with leaves, and it had a few thick strings at the top to tie it to the branch of the tree. There were a few weapons laid down next to the wall, which Minho uncovered and leant against the corner.

The Runner looked back up at me with his hands on his hips, "Okay, so based on those awesome moves you did on Gally last night, I figured out that you must've had some kind of training before you came here. But you didn't exactly know where those moves came from. Am I correct?"

I nodded and crossed my arms over my chest, "Yeah, but when Ben attacked me I didn't do anything."

"Exactly," He smiled. I furrowed my brows in confusion before he took a step closer to me, pointing to the punching bag, "Go over there. I'm gonna help you get your muscle memory back."

He set the torch down in between two rocks, giving the space around us just enough light to see. I stood as he came up behind me and patted the bag of leaves hanging from the tree, "Do you know how to punch?"

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