dead ends of dead ends

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song on full volume and play when u see *

"Thomas," I groaned as Minho and I followed behind, the curiosity eating at our brains, "Where the hell are we going?"

He ignored my question as he kept his head down and followed the direction of the clicking. The key led us through the blades and to another part of the Maze. My wonderous mind turned into another void of uncertainty, and all over again I felt as though I had lost my memories for the second time. The only thing I knew was that I was in a Maze, and I was with my two friends.

We kept walking through the open part of what seemed like a whole different world, Minho and I were gaping at everything, it was almost like he'd never seen it either. Thomas had led us to what looked like a ledge of some sort. It was like a catwalk that was about the width of two people if they laid down. Maybe two Gally's.

"Have you ever seen this place before, Minho?" I asked him out of sheer curiosity. The boy shook his head, answering my question before he decided to respond.


I looked over my shoulder, paranoid. It's like ever since the night in the Maze and Ben's banishing, I've just been jumpy. Looking behind me every five seconds like someone was just going to come up and attack me. I knew that I was safe—or as safe as I could be—in the Glade, but that didn't stop my mind from wondering about the terrible possibilities. Like I said, when my mind wondered, I had no control over which direction it decided to take. I could either be daydreaming about a life where I was content...happy with everyone I loved around me. Or I could fall into the dark abyss where everything went wrong. It's happened more times than I would like to explain.

Turning back around, I was met with Thomas. I yelped and tripped over my own foot, slamming into his back and almost toppling him over. I stood back up with a grunt, "Sorry."

He nodded, "You're okay."

When I stopped to see what he had paused for, my heart dropped. I sighed and crossed my arms over my chest, staring at another dead end. I ran my hand over the wall and placed my forehead to the concrete as Minho groaned.

"Ah, it's just another dead end..." He leaned against the wall in disappointment.

Suddenly, Thomas' toy clicked again. He looked down at it once more with a confused expression etched upon his face and then back up at the dead end, which no longer was a regular concrete wall like the rest of this place. It suddenly started to rise, and more walls exactly like the one that just rose started to do the same thing behind it. Like someone put extra because they didn't trust just one wall. The grinding of the metal was softer than when the doors opened and closed in the Glade, but more intimidating. We were used to that noise. Now, Thomas had just opened something none of us were familiar with.

My heart beat against my ribcages as I watched the thick concrete walls arise, and a weird circular door opened up like a ninja star.

What's a ninja star? I thought.

Minho and I looked over at Thomas, who was gaping at the fact that he found something new. He looked unsure. But he didn't seem frightened.

"You sure about this?" I asked him, starting to feel my own doubt creep through my skin.

Thomas shook his head, "Nope."

He started to walk forwards, making me roll my eyes, "Well bloody fantastic."

Minho looked over his shoulder at me with furrowed eyebrows as he followed Thomas. I guess I've picked up some of the words Newt so casually said throughout the day. I always found myself admiring the way he talked. I would listen to him for hours if I had the chance. But I shook my head of the thought and hoped that Minho wouldn't tell Newt that I accidentally spoke in a British accent in a moment of uncertainty.

When We're Older- The Maze Runner (Newt)Where stories live. Discover now