Chapter 5

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Blitzen shut his eyes and braced himself as he and Donner hit the ground with a thud, tumbling into the snow. The rest of the team was dragged with them, shouting and yelling as they fell and rolled.

The sleigh skidded through the snow onto its side, and Saint Nicholas was thrown out of his seat and through the air. As he hit the ground, his head struck a sharp chunk of ice jutting from the snow. The old man's yell was a "Ho!" cut short as it sliced his head open, and he fell into the snow, crimson trickling from the wound.

Blitzen found it difficult to raise his head from the snow, as if it were stuffed with coal. His shoulder and ribs ached from the rough landing. But he was alive. He heavily breathed in and out the cold winter air as he rose on trembling legs, stunned by the experience.

They had crashed in a huge snowy field lined with forests of pine trees. The storm above them had ended, and snowflakes drifted down in the silence.

His heart pounded hard in his chest as he tried to gather himself, turning to his companions. "Is everyone alright?" He tried to sound like his usual self: The fearless leader who felt no fear. But his voice cracked, and he knew everyone could see how shaken he was.

Comet and Cupid shook snow from their bodies while Prancer and Vixen stumbled to their feet. Dancer was nudging Dasher with his nose as he pushed himself up and winced. "We're okay." Comet's eyes were wild with anxiety. "But Santa..."

Nicholas! Blitzen's heart skipped a beat. He pulled out of his harness and stumbled through the thick snow. Vixen and Comet quickly joined him as he leaned over the old man.

Saint Nicholas lay on his back, motionless as snowflakes fell onto his red coat. His eyes were closed, and his white beard and the trim on his clothes shifted in the breeze. His cut head was half exposed by his crooked hat, a little pool of blood seeping into the snow beside him.

Blitzen felt numb as he stared down at his old friend. No... He can't be dead! He is immortal too. He must be! He lowered his head and pressed his nose against his rosy cheek. After all we've done together, you must get up.

As if his words encouraged him, Saint Nicholas stirred. Blitzen leaned back as he coughed and moved a gloved hand to his head wound. Blitzen let out a sigh. He's okay! Thank the spirits!

"Donner, what the heck?" Exclaimed Prancer, his voice edged with fear.

"You nearly killed us!" Dasher shouted angrily.

Donner. Blitzen turned, bewildered and frustrated as he pushed through the snow. Donner stood with his head low, glaring at him. "What is wrong with you?" He demanded, raising his voice. "You tried to kill us all!"

"The only one I was trying to kill was me!" Donner shot back angrily.

"And you would have taken the rest of us down with you!" Blitzen yelled, advancing toward him. He rarely lost his temper. But he and his friends had nearly been killed, and he was furious with Donner's behaviour. "And Saint Nicholas!"

"Saint Nicholas is the one who did this to me!" Donner's voice rose into a scream of rage. "I just want to be dead!"

His words echoed through the field and left Blitzen and the others in stunned silence. As Donner hung his head and squeezed his eyes shut, Blitzen felt his anger slowly fade into concern. "Donner," He said quietly. "Tell us what happened to you. What's going on. Please."

Behind Blitzen, the other members of The Eight stepped closer, watching Donner with eyes full of worry and patience. Donner glanced up at them slowly. For the first time, Blitzen saw a genuine pain in his eyes. He was quiet for a long moment before he spoke.

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