Chapter 4

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The sun had fully risen by the time Blitzen reached the village. The sky was a bright pale blue against the crisp white snow. Up ahead, the rest of The Eight were gathered near the small barn where the other reindeer stayed.

Vixen was trotting around in circles while the two fawns, Peanut and Hazel, giggled and chased him. Their parents, Chestnut and Walnut, watched them warmly. Comet ducked his head as Yuka the arctic fox tossed a snowball at him before hiding behind Dancer. Beyond them, Dasher boasted to Prisma while the other two single does, Luna and Crystal, exchanged kind words with Cupid.

The sight sent a trickle of warmth into Blitzen's aching heart. It was a delightful thing to see on Christmas Eve day. He hated to ruin the moment as the bearer of bad news. But he needed to tell them about Nanurjuk.

Prancer noticed him from where he stood with Donner. "Blitzen! Where were you last night, man?"

"We were worried," Cupid added, his eyes full of concern.

Blitzen stepped forward until he stood among his companions. "I'm afraid I have sad news." He hesitated as everyone stared at him uneasily, wondering what he would say. "Nanurjuk has died."

The response was a series of startled murmurs. None of the others had been as closely acquainted with Nanurjuk as Blitzen had. But it was still a great loss for them. While Comet exchanged a surprised look with Dancer, the usually cheerful Yuka looked at her paws. Dasher closed his eyes while Cupid and Prancer bowed their heads.

"He has guided us well during his years," Vixen murmured as the two fawns quietly returned to their mother.

Comet nodded sorrowfully. "He was strong and wise. It won't be the same without him."

Even Donner looked solemn, his eyes fixed on his hooves, though Blitzen couldn't be sure if this was a reaction to the news of death, or simply his usual depressed nature.

"I buried him up on the hilltop," Blitzen said quietly. "He would have wanted that."

The others quietly agreed. Afterwards, The Eight headed into the workshop, where last minute preparations were being made.

"You're sure you didn't miss a single letter?" Tingles the elf was confronting Pringles with her arms crossed. "Remember what happened last year!"

"Believe me, every letter has been fulfilled!" PrIngles insisted, tapping his foot in irritation. "You think I'd make the same mistake again?"

"Yes, I think you would!"

As they headed around the elves, Blitzen turned to his companions. "You seven should see if the elves need any help," He told them. He looked toward the staircase. "I need to tell Nicholas about Nanurjuk."

He branched away from the group to head upstairs as they continued through the workshop. When he reached Saint Nicholas' room, he found him busy speaking to Jingles the elf. Blitzen hung by the doorway respectfully.

"The sleigh is almost packed and ready to go, sir!" Jingles was reporting. "We just need to load the presents for Norway and Iceland."

Saint Nicholas smiled. "Wonderful! Good work, Jingles."

As the elf rushed past Blitzen and out the door, Nicholas noticed him. "Ah, Blitzen. Good to see you."

"I'm afraid there is nothing good about this visit, sir." Blitzen said quietly as he entered the room, and a look of worry spread on the old man's face. "I'm afraid Nanurjuk the musk ox has died."

Saint Nicholas slowly removed his red hat and shook his head. "Bad news, indeed." He murmured. "He was a wise and noble friend. It's a shame I won't have his guidance this Christmas."

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