The man in the tower

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A/N: pretty sure an artist by the name of yappdoll made that fantastic art ^^

Tonights objective was simple: take out a watch tower guard. I didn't know why, but I never questioned the objectives I was given. It helped the targets seem less human when that was the case. There were watch towers stationed all over cities and towns so I had to be sure I got the right one. It happened to be just a quick jog outside of the base before I reached the small town.

After triple checking that where I had arrived was in fact the "East facing tower," I climbed up the spiral stairs to the top. It was dusk so there would be just enough light that I had to be careful not to be seen but could also effectively take out the target.

I set up my gun so it stuck out the small window, and steadied my breathing. He should just be directly across in that adjacent tower, I thought to myself. I took a deep breath and held it to insure I wouldn't move when taking the shot. I rested my chin and looked through the yellow tinted scope into the near identical window in the other tower across from me.

Where was the target?

There was no one there?

Confused, I retreated and lowered my weapon before checking the time, date, and place. As per usual, I was spot on, so what was happening. Maybe he was just sitting, I thought. With that in mind I took another deep breath and peered through once again, hoping the man would be there this time.

What the-
I looked through the scope only to be eye to eye with another sniper in the opposite tower. The other man must have been as surprised as me, because he looked up away from his gun. All I caught of him was his spiked hair. It looked like he'd dipped it in liquid silver.
Who would ever choose such a style for a secretive job?

The opposing man went quickly back down to his gun. Was he going to fire at me? I placed my finger on the trigger but hesitated to fire at him.
I hesitated.
Why did I hesitate.
There's no time. He shot, and I heard it ping against the bell far above me at the very top of the tower.
The other man fired again seconds later. He was a god awful shot. This time it whizzed past me. A bit too close to comfort.

I ducked under the window and breathed heavily. I was shaking. What is going on, am I someone's target? Why would another elite be told to take me out? No time to think deep, I just need to get out of here, I thought. With cold hands, I began to pack everything back into the briefcase shaped carrier.

The next problem arose.

What would I tell the commander? Never once had I failed a job. I'd have to think of a lie. I've never lied. I slipped down the stairs silently, with my handgun loaded at my side, just in case. Once out of the watch tower, I ran.
Who was that? And why was he trying to kill me? Similar questions flowed through my mind as I ran.

I made it back to the base and pushed through the double doors, saluting the officer at the front desk. I said it was an "immediate." (A visit of the utmost importance) to see the commander.
"As you wish." He granted me the permission I'd needed.
I nodded and rushed up to the commanders office.

My hand hesitated at the doorknob, I heard talking inside. I decided to knock instead of barging in.

"Come in." The low bellowing voice of the commander sent a shiver down the length of my spine.

I opened the door,
"Oh, Ki Chou. I wasn't expecting you, you never knock. How did tonight's job go?" He clasped his hands together in front of him on the dark wood desk.
"Sir about that-" My eyes trailed to the seat in the corner.

"you..." I whispered.
The silver tipped man sat with his quite muscular arms behind his head in the armchair.

It was the first time I'd clearly seen him. He must have recognized me from earlier too as I saw his eyes trail up and down my figure. Seeming to check me out, though in a manner I had never experienced before.

He was wearing a simple grey button up, black tie, and similarly colored vest. Who wears something like that to a job? I cleared my head.

"Sir... well the target never showed up."
The commander ran a couple fingers through his gelled hair before lighting a cigarette. "Is that so?" He looked to the man in the chair besides him and gestured with his hands for him to rise.

"Hey, hey! Pleasure to meet you!" He extended a hand. Positive energy radiated off of him to an extent that it made me sick.

"Who are you?" I asked bluntly, leaving his hand hanging.

He awkwardly retracted it, rubbing his pants before sticking them into the small front pockets.

A horned owl? I thought.

"Horned Owl?"
I tried not to laugh.

"Yellow butterfly?" He replied. The grin he gave me, caused his nose to scrunch. I dropped my smile in an instant.

"You little-" I wanted to sock him in the face right then and there.

"Now, now boys, let's discuss what happened tonight. Shall we?"

"SIR!" Our voices synced, creating a rather loud response. I glanced over at him, appalled.

In unison once again, our arms dropped and legs opened to shoulder width apart. The horned owl noticed this time and grinned once again, cocking an eyebrow in my direction. I ignored him, awaiting further instruction from the commander.

"You both are very in time with one another..." Oh for gods sake, even the commander had noticed. I scoffed.

"Now then, let's get to the bottom of why Bokuto's objective was to take you out, and why your man never showed, Ki Chou. Take a seat, please."

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