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A/N: uhm yeah so this is about to get quite heavy, so just a fair warning. I'm sorry in advance, but I hope it'll be alright, anyway, uhm "enjoy".


"BOKUTO?!" I ran back full tilt, and I'm sure the scream alerted the other two.

"Bokuto!" I grabbed the hand that was not currently clutching his side, and he put all weight onto me.

"Sit down." He collapsed to the ground with a wincing grunt. Pushing his legs straight out in front of his body as they scratched through the rocky ground beneath him.

"Looks like I fell for you, Agaashi." He managed a pained smile.

"What happened?!" I felt the urge to vomit and pass out all at once. Bokuto removed the hand from his side.

Why was it I kept failing at the one job, the one mission I cared about most In the world?

His hand dripped in a dark red liquid.

"Holy shit! What happened?!" I turned to see Tendou.

"Is there any way the cadet can drive closer?" I asked in a panicked tone.

Tendou glanced up at the Titan then back down at us on the ground before turning once again and both took off full tilt.

"Okay, it's alright." I returned my  attention to Bokuto. "You're gonna be fine." I held one hand on the wound and the other in his.

"I love you Akaashi."

"No. Do not call me that right now...I need to look at it okay?"
Bokuto nodded and I started to remove his vest before ripping open the shirt.

His abdomen was soaking in crimson, and it was hard to even tell where it was all coming from.
"Don't look, okay?" I instructed Bokuto who raised his head to look at the sky.

As I grabbed his shirt I had previously discarded to use as a makeshift bandage, I noticed something on the other side of his stomach.

A tattoo?

"Bokuto!" I let go of his hand and he looked down at me as I removed my own vest and shirt.
"Wow... you really...wanna do that now?" He joked.

"Look!" I steadied the 'bandage' on his wound with my knee, applying slight pressure and he let out a yelp. I lessoned the pressure and
with both hands free I took his face in my hands, turning it to look at my left rib.

"I have the same butterfly, Bokuto. Focus on it okay! Just stay focused on it! Think about the hill, think about the butterfly we both saw. Just stay focused on it, okay?"

"Akaashi..." Bokuto trembled and his breathing became more ragged and harsh.

"No!" I hadn't meant to snap, "Just... don't waste your breath."

" you."

"Stop it! Don't say stuff like that right now, because you're not going to die. I promised. For fucks sake Bokuto, just keep looking at the butterfly, okay? We're gonna make it out of here. We'll buy that house, and get married, and wake up in each other's arms every morning, alright?!"

I looked deep into his eyes, which were trying hard to focus on me as they rolled back into his head every few seconds.

"Akaashi..." His breathing had escalated to harsh panting every few seconds.

I kissed him in an effort to stop the talking.

"Akaashi... I- I can't even cook rice..."


𝚊 𝚢𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠 𝚋𝚞𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚏𝚕𝚢 ~ 𝚋𝚘𝚔𝚞𝚊𝚔𝚊Where stories live. Discover now