To the Commanders Office

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A/N: okay not gonna lie, I had a ton of fun with this chapter. I promise that Bokuto and Akaashi will make it to the mission eventually-Uh there is also UshiTen so yeah but besides that I hope you are all doing alright and enjoy!!


"AGAAASHEEEEEE!!!" The owl looked as though he was going to smother me in a hug but I took a few steps backwards, putting my right arm into the air besides me.
Bokuto did a full stop, remembering.
Instead he kissed the top of my head and interlocked his fingers into mine.

"Again, Bokuto I saw you just 10 minutes ago."

"Yeah but I love you."

It caught me off guard,
"I love you too."

We quickly made our way to the commanders office and Bokuto knocked on the door.

"Come in." A deep voice replied.

We glanced at one another and made our way inside. The commander looked visibly stressed.

He glanced up at us, before putting out his fat cigar in the ashtray beside him. He dug it in with quite a force, bending the overall shape.

"Well look who it is. Sit." He gestured to the conveniently placed seats in front of his desk.

If Bokuto looked like an owl, then the commander looked like a hawk. His eyes followed you everywhere, and his hooked nose further amplified the look of aggression he wore.

The commander drew in a deep inhale, held it for a second, and let it out, "Now then, as I am expecting that job done before the day after tomorrow, I'll keep this sweet and simple."

He sat back in his leather seat, now twisting a pen through his fingers.
"Ki Chou, I'm giving you one minute on my watch for you to explain why in gods name I have three cadets, three fine and talented cadets, in critical condition in the infirmary."

He glanced down at his wrist,
"You may begin."

"Sir, my boyf- ..." I stopped myself.
Could I tell that to the commander? Would we be discharged? It was a crime to lie.
I calmed myself, fiddling with my fingers in my lap.

"Sir, Bokuto, my boyfriend, was a victim to an act of hate against something he has no control over. He was punched, bruised, and verbally assaulted because of who he loves. I didn't mean to put the cadets in critical condition, but after seeing the person I love most in the world tormented and hurt, I just... well I saw red, Commander."

There was a short silence before he responded.
"Very well." He thought for another moment, looking out the window.
"You both are some of the finest cadets and snipers we've ever had here, and without a doubt in the time I've worked here. I believe you, and because of that, I've sorted out the logistics to have the both of you stay. However, I hope you both realize how serious this was, and that under normal circumstances the two of you would have been dishonorably discharged with no further pay or benefits. That being said, please do not ever assault another cadet and get your job done on time."

I looked over to Bokuto who was just as stunned as me.
"No. I wish you both well, now you're dismissed. Leave."

We did as instructed, standing in unison and yelling an affirmation before exiting.

"Wow. The last time we left that office, you threatened to kill me." Bokuto said. I thought about the last time we'd been there. How long ago it seemed, and how much had changed in what really was just a short amount of time.

"I'm more surprised we got off that easy." I replied.

"Me too." He laughed.

"We need to get going on that job." I told the owl.

"Yeah, do you have the folder?"

"Yes, in my room. Wait, you've never been to my room, have you?" I asked him.

"Nope! Don't believe so. How exciting, Agaashie!!"

"It's virtually the exact same as yours." I smiled.

We arrived and I unlocked the door.

"OH MY GOD-" I slammed it back shut, squeezing my eyes tightly closed and covering my face with my hand.
"FUCK!" I yelled, the word echoing down the halls.

"What happened?!" The owl questioned from behind me.
"I- THE- AND TITAN AND THE- TENDOU-!!!" I couldn't formulate a sentence after what I'd saw.

Bokuto pushed past me and opened the door.
"ohHH!!!" The owl fell into a fit of laughter.

I reopened my eyes and saw both of them sat up with covers wrapped around them in Tendou's bunk.

"So, get this, uh turns out our job got delayed a couple hours. And I thought you'd both be the hospital for quite a bit longer than you were..." Tendou laughed, rubbing his bare chest which I happened to see small 'bruises' all over.

"For fucks sake just please make yourselves decent. Bokuto and I are on a time crunch right now." I turned back around and closed the door, to see Bokuto absolutely loosing his mind, wiping tears and literally rolling on the floor.

"I.. I cannot believe you walked in on them!" He managed a sentence as I rolled my eyes.

"That was by far the worse thing I've ever seen." I laughed at my own embarrassment, joining in with his laughter for a second.

The door then reopened and Tendou came out, his hair quite ruffled and wearing a shirt all too big for him, with possibly nothing underneath.

"That does not count as decent." I told him, averting my gaze.

He laughed awkwardly and shrugged his shoulders.
"Do you need to get in there or what?" He asked.

"Is the Titan wearing anything?" Tendou glanced behind the door,
"Uhh... more or less."

I took my chances and reentered the room.
The Titan stood in boxers with little rubber duckies on them, as if things couldn't get any worse.
"I am very sorry for the intrusion." He said, with the same stern face as always.

I didn't answer, instead pushing Tendou into the bathroom, who grabbed the Titans hand to follow him.

When the door was closed, I picked Bokuto off the floor and dragged him inside.

"Come. On. We have work to do!" He finally made his way up and into the room where we got all we needed.

"I'm guessing we go undercover, so you'll need some clothes, probably a suit, and your rifle. Oh, use a briefcase to carry it, and then meet me by the South Gate?"

"Sounds like a plan!" The owl kissed my cheek and ran off to retrieve his stuff.

"OKAY! IM LEAVING NOW! PLEASE CLEAN UP THE ROOM WHEN YOUVE BOTH FINISHED!!" I yelled loud enough for them to hear in the bathroom, indicating to the multiple items of clothing, pillows, and sheets that had made their way across the room. One of which was burnt in the corner which I really didn't want to think about.

I met Bokuto at the gate,
"Ready?" He asked me.
"Of course."

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