A date

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A/N: ayyy part 20!! I doubt this'll be more than like 30 parts? Probably around 25 or so but we shall see. Anyway I hope y'all enjoy this chapter! This'll probably be the last one for a hot second as school is time consuming as is writing lol so bare with me :) <3

It was late by the time we got back to the base. Possibly around midnight. Bokuto and I both thanked the cadet and headed inside from the cold.

We walked in a comfortable silence down the halls which echoed our footsteps no matter how quiet we attempted to be.

I walked him to his room first, hesitating at the door. There was so much I wanted to talk to him about and tell him.

"Bokuto, I-"
He turned after unlocking the door, holding onto the handle to keep it open.
"Yes Agaashi?" He batted his long eyelashes sarcastically.

"Never mind, just, goodnight. Sleep well."

He looked as though he questioned it, but ultimately headed behind the door with a wide smile.


The following morning I awoke to see Tendou sleeping. I was quiet as not to wake him. The job seemed to have ended for him and the titan quite late as I never woke to him entering. I saw a large burn had found it's way to his right arm. It was bandaged but I knew how reckless he could be.

I ran into the owl on my way to the canteen.
"AGAASHIE!!!" A new variation was yelled as he ran towards me and ruffled my hair, kissing my neck. I felt like I physically unwinded into his touch.

"Well good morning to you too." I smiled at him.

"I was thinking, why don't we have breakfast in the library?!"

"Because there's no food allowed in there."

"Oh..." he rubbed the back of his neck, making a face as though he was whistling or mimicking a fish.

"Don't tell me you've eaten in there..."

"Like at least 20 times...at my other base that is."

I sighed, "Lets eat in the canteen and then we can go to the library, okay?"

"Okay! It's a date!"

A date. A date? Was this our first proper date? Before I could respond, the owl had already flown off somewhere.

The library was one of my favorite places. There was a massive skylight of intricate glass work on the ceiling, and the collection of books itself covered every subject possible. There was an upper story, accessible by a staircase on either side, and tables with varying amounts of chairs by them on the upper deck as well.

Bokuto and I had ascended the stairs and taken a couples table in the far corner.

We'd been talking for just a couple minutes, the owl began to flip through some graphic novel or comic.

I pulled out my glasses and placed them gently on the bridge of my nose before taking my book off the table.

"AGAASHI?!" Numerous people shushed him and I felt my face flush.

"you wear glasses?!" He whisper yelled.

"Just for reading..."

"oh my gosh...!!!!! I can't believe you're a sniper with bad eyesight."

"Bokuto, I'm farsighted.. it doesn't effect my job."

"Oh... right." His voice returned to just slightly less than normal.

"You look hot." He continued to look my face up and down, and I once again I felt myself go red.

We read in silence for a couple minutes, "Bokuto?"


"Do you ever think about the future?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like, would you ever leave the base or anything?"

"Well, yeah, I want to, but like a lot of people I don't have much going for me when it comes to getting a job outside of this place." He smiled, but it looked sad.

"You're strong? What about being a personal trainer? Or like a nutritionist, or something?"

"Wait why are you asking me about this, do you want me to leave Agaashiii?" He made big pleading puppy eyes.

"Of course not you big baby... I was just.. thinking..."

"About what?"

No going back now,

He was taken aback.

"You mean like, our future?" He questioned.

"Yeah, but it was just like a thought...don't worry about it." I looked up at the skylight.

"No, no, I've thought about it too..."

"Really?" I darted my eyes back down at him. There was an odd tension that had grown in the ground between us.

"Akaashi" "Bokuto" We said our names in unison.

"Go ahead." Again in unison. We smiled,
"You first." Unison once again.
I gestured towards him this time, still smiling.

He laughed, "Okay, welp, Ki Chou... I think, well no, I know that...I'm in love with you."

I dropped my book.

Though it was what I'd planned on telling him, it was still such a foreign sentence.


"Yeah, I really, really, love you. In fact just last night, well I had a dream."

What did that mean?

"Shit that sounds so bad, I meant," he laughed at his own slight stupidity, "I had a dream that we had bought a small house, with a big yard, and there were kids running around our ankles..." He smiled.

"Bokuto-" No way could I say that.

I changed my train of thought,
"Bokuto, let's leave here."

"What? Now?"

"No, not now, but lets save up. Lets save up and get out of here. Promise me that we can leave... and buy that house."

"I- I promise." He said.

I leaned over the table, pressing my palm into it to stable my body weight and looked into his eyes. They swirled and mixed in an array of gold tones in a way that was nearly mesmerizing.
I looked up and down between his eyes and mouth a couple times before leaning in closer. I kissed him deeply. He grabbed my wrist on the table, holding it firmly while returning the motion.


Later that afternoon I caught up on the job report, which is pretty much just a description of what happened and saying whether or or the job was a success.

I was sat at the desk when the door unlocked and a spiky red haired boy walked in.

I swiveled around to face him.
"What the fuck happened? You look like you saw a ghost, plus you called me my real name."

He stood silently, lifting up a manilla folder from his side, and pushing it towards me.

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