Krieg vs JSDF

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The men of Krieg looked at a make shift base, an earthwork bunker, with small hatches for view ports. There were nearly 1000 men standing in formation, shoulder to shoulder, there were 5 lines deep. They were to assault the JSDF position, and claim it. The commissar walked out, before drawing his sword.

"First rank! Advance!" The commissar commanded.

The first line began to march forward with the commissar. After a distance, shots rang out from the bunker, and the first few men fell, others limped along. The soldiers remained quiet as the marched, only the sounds of men falling to the ground, and the lock step were heard. The commissar was hit, and a soldier picked up his saber, before lifting it, and took the commisar's place.

The kriegsmen reached combat range and used what they could as cover, as to say, rocks and dirt mounds they were hastily creating. The fire from the bunker quieted, before suddenly, a blast killed a few, as a grenade was used.

"Second rank! FIX BAYONETS!" The officer yelled.

The second rank fixed bayonets to their guns, before lifting their rifles.

"Charge!" He yelled.

The second rank ran forward, spreading out and breaking up now. Some joined the men creating defenses to get closer, and took shots at the bunker, leaving burn marks on the defensive structure. The death Korp got closer, before reaching the bunker, and a few got the the door. When the door opened, the korp men were shot, as they moved into the building.

"We need to grenade those stubber slits!" A korpsmen yelled

The kreiger he was talking to,poked his head up, before he fell down, a shot hit him directly between his eyes.

"Third Rank! Fourth Rank! Advance!" The officer yelled, before they began to run at the bunker.

The kriegsmen got closer and closer, before suddenly, they bunker was overwhelmed. The kriegsmen forced the door opened, and broke the defenders, over whelming the defenders, and using the gun slots to shoot in. A kriegsmen with a banner ran up the hill, and slammed it into the tip of the bunker, claiming it.

"Time!" A man said.

"34 minutes, 12 seconds. How many guardsmen were hit fatally?" The Japanese officer asked.

The kriegsmen who were down got up, and lined up. Red paint rounds covered their coats and masks. Out of the 800 who went in, 328 "dead" 447 were "wounded". 775 were hit during the combat exercise. The exercise was proposed make both sides more comfortable with each other.

The kriegsmen were also practiced hand to hand combat, bayonet combat, weapons practice with the other weapons, and they even some cultural exchange, but it was more one sided.

Krieg had no culture, other than war. A rough rider rode towards the Krieg officer.

"Sir, melden Sie sich über das Tor." The rider said, handing a datapad to the officer.

"Gut, wir halten die Verräter zurück." The officer said.

The rider rode away, before the marine looked at the Japanese officer.

"What shall the next drill be?" He asked.

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