The 49th assault army

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Looking over the list, Ulrik von Ruski smiled.

50,000 kriegs guardsmen
10,000 grenadiers
5,000 rough riders of krieg
5,000 engineers
10,000 chimera transports
5,000 leman Russ battle tanks
1,000 Valkyries gunships
50 earth shakers
100 Hydra Flak tanks.
80 basilisks
20 colossus bombards

The army was broken up into 5 regiments. A regiment was divided up to fit the needed rolls.

1st regiment. Role: base defense/security
5,000 guardsmen
3,000 engineers
1,000 chimera transports
500 rough riders of krieg
50 earth shakers
20 hydra flak tanks.

8th regiment. Role: Recon
10,000 guardsmen
500 rough riders of krieg
2,000 grenadiers
2,000 chimera transports
1,000 Leman Russ battle tanks

247th regiment. Role: siege warfare
15,000 guardsmen
3,000 grenadiers
1,000 engineers
3,000 chimera transports
1,500 leman Russ battle tanks
80 basilisks
20 colossus bombards

479th regiment. Role: mechanized
10,000 guardsmen
500 grenadiers
1,000 engineers
3,500 leman Russ battle tanks
80 hydra flak tanks

325th regiment. Role: airborne/assault
10,000 guardsmen
4,000 grenadiers
4,000 rough riders of krieg
1,000 Valkyries
500 engineers

This was the initial force. Ulrik lead from a horse, with servo-skulls with speakers floating through the ranks. The 1st regiment was ready to fight, it's job was to secure a base for the rest of the army, who would be deployed in various regions/uses.

"Men of krieg, as expected, we have been called forth to sacrifice our lives for the Emperor. We shall march forth, and kill any force that we meet. We shall build a fortress around the other side, then, we prepare for the battle." Ulrik said.

Drawing a chainsword, he yelled, earning a cheer from the rest of the army.

"Charge!" He ordered.

The forces drove through the gate, they came out on a grassy hill, near a large open plain, with the gate connected to a mountain. Looking out of the field, they saw camps, hundreds of fires spread across the  plain, marking the camp zones.

The krieg guardsmen quickly dug their trenches. The first line was built at the base of the hill, with no back wall, but a path leading up the hill, covered by wooden boards. The second trench was built half way up the hill, with no back, but a set of zig zagging steps made with small areas dug for nests. The third trench was at the top of the hill.  Tanks, Artillery, transports and Flak tanks slowly moved through the gate slower. A large area was opened up for a vehicle depot.

As the light from the sun reached the top of the hill, the soldiers got ready for battle.

Gate: thus the Death Korp fought thereWhere stories live. Discover now