The Squad

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A group of death Korp looked over Italica. They had teamed up with the JSDF to secure their captured comrades. The JSDF had about 7 people, and no vehicles for quick strikes. Waiting over the hill, they watched.

The squad was brought of 8 people. A tank was silent, waiting. 

5-2-01 Emelia (rifle)
5-2-02 Emma (Rifle/cqc)
5-2-03 Dora (Explosives)
5-2-04 Angela (Sniper)
5-2-05 Patty (Flamer)
5-2-06 Liz  (Flamer)
5-2-07 Lisa (Tank driver)
5-2-08 Hanna (Tank Gunner)

"Looks clear." Angela said.

Lisa started the tank, with Liz and Patty jumping in the side guns. Dora, Emma and Angela hopped on back of the tank, with Emelia got in the turret. 

"What do they think they are doing?" Kuribayashi asked, looking at the Korp.

"It's better if we stop them before something bad happens." Kuwahara

The JSDF infiltrated the city, while the tank rolled into town. They JSDF snuck around the side, as the tank rolled up the rode, before reaching the main door of the keep. Dora jumped off, and put a Det-pack on the main door, smiling.

She hit the detonator, and Emelia, Emma, Dora, Liz and Patty walked in. Lisa turned the tank so it's side was at the gate, with the turret. Lisa moved form her seat, to a auto gun turret, with Hanna looking around. 

As the team ran in, Emma punched a maid the the ground, before she saw a rabbit girl, who jumped and kicked the weapon out of her hand.  Emma smiled.

"Ah, so you think you can fight me?" Emma asked, putting on some gloves, "I got her, go find the Captain." Emma said.

The team ran on ahead, leaving the 2 in the room.

Emma ran at her, before the 2 punched each other, each striking the other's stomach. The 2 backed up, before preparing again. This time, several quicker strikes were made, trying to strike, but were blocked. 

Emma grabbed the girl's arm, and flung the rabbit over her shoulder. The girl landed, and headbutted Emma's throat/jaw. Emma backed up, and as struck several times in the chest, before she was kneed in the face.  Emma's helmet fell off, and she growled. 

"Now this is being silly." she said.

Emma took off her heavy chemically treated coat. Emma looked at the maid, and ran at her. Striking the rabbit's side, before she kicked the maid's feet. Emma spun to get a hardy elbow to the back of the maid's head. The maid had moved out of the way, and grabbed Emma's arm, before throwing her to the ground, and pinning her to the ground.

"Excuse me, but can you 2 please stop fighting, we were going to tell you that Mister Magnus is ok, he is being treated here." A maid said.

The 2 got up, and walked to the room Magnus was in.

"So let me get this straight, you forgot to turn the sword, that can split armor with ease, on?" Itami asked.

"Yes, most of the time, in combat, we have shovels, I'm not use to fighting with a sword, I was given one by my commanding officer, as a squad leader." Magnus said.

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