The treaties

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Standing on the wall, Magnus watched, as the Knight approached the walls of the city. Itami watched the walker move towards the walls. Death Korp forces ran towards the walls, securing those who survived. Prisoners were gathered quickly. The JSDF watched, some taking aiming at the god machine.

"Magnus, what is that thing?" Itami asked.

"It is a god machine, a knight of the glorius Emperor's imperium." Magnus said.

They watched as the machine got close, before a quartermaster climbed out of a chimera, looking around.

"MAGNUS! ANYONE DEAD?!" the Quartermaster yelled.

"None of the Imperials, it's a lot of the scum from this world." Magnus yelled down.

Magnus and Itami stood on the walls, watching, they noticed Hemilton running towards them.

"Lady Pina would like to speak with you on a formal treaty." She said.

The 2 were brought to the castle, and sat in a room. Magnus spoke Krieg-gothic into a Vox.

-translation provided-
M: Magnus
C: Command

M: "We are given a chance to make a treaty with these people, what should we ask for?"

C: "5 points; access to deeper territories, right of termination, right of drafting from villages, a base inside the capital for diplomatic options, territory of 40 leagues where we have ownership of."

M: "understood Command"

C: "Magnus...."

M: "yes command?"

C: "What are you wearing?"

Magnus changed frequencies and worked on the treaty. As time passed, Hemilton read both treaties, before Magnus and Itami reached the gate. The Death Korp and JSDF separates from each other, the jsdf staying in the walls, as Deathkorp were outside.

"We were hoping maybe you can come with us again, answer more questions, now that a barrier has been breached." Itami said.

"If you also answer some of mine." Magnus said.

He climbed on his horse, as he and the JSDF rode towards their base, prisoners picked and taken away. As the Jsdf drove along the road, they saw a dust cloud.

"Death Korp riders, report." Magnus commanded.

No response was given.

"None of ours." Magnus said.

The dust cloud looked as if it was coming towards them.

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