Ashton Ferrer

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I couldn't take in what the man told me and did the most logical thing I could do in a situation like this. I laughed. I completely lost my sanity and got caught up in an attack of giggles that turned into violent wheezing.

"Are you okay?" The dude from the auction asked me his face in complete disbelief.

I managed to sober up and cleaned the tears that had ran down my cheeks. "Yes, I laugh when I'm nervous." I responded and he grimaced.

"But you were also crying." He stated and I nodded.

"And other times, I cry. I'm overwhelmed right now, this is the only way I can cope." I responded with a frown while glancing around finding a way to escape.

"Would you like to rest upstairs miss?" The dude asked me and I scrunched up my eyebrows. Why was he treating me nicely when he was probably going to kill me? Is this a way to ease up your victims and them just sneak up on them once you gain their trust?

Against my better judgement or my crazy mind I agreed. "Yes, but one question." I told him.

We walked upstairs and he opened the door for a large room. He finally looked at me and responded. "Okay, shoot."

"What's your name?" I asked him a bit nervous.

"Landon. Landon Odalis." He responded with a smile and walked away.

My eyes widened at his name, I knew I had heard it somewhere but I couldn't remember where. I walked into the room and sighed. I glanced at the cream colored walls and then noticed a large window towards my left. I walked towards it with a grin but it dropped when I saw the fortress I was currently in.

There was no tree to climb down on or bushes to cushion my fall. I'm sure if I jumped out the window I would break both legs and that wouldn't help with the running away. More like crawling. Even if I actually made it down somehow there were too many enforcers outside. And currently the gate was closed. I went to the bed and got under the soft covers. I closed my eyes hoping my headache went away and I managed to think of a plan to leave this weird place.


I woke up after I heard a couple of cars making their way inside the property. I tried to run towards the window but fell on my knees, due to my right leg being stuck in the covers.After I untangled my leg, I crawled towards the window.

I glanced down and saw a couple of cars arriving, clearly someome important. Wait. That must have been the boss Landon was speaking about. I moved away from the window as I heard footsteps coming towards my door. I threw the covers back on the bed and slipped under it calming my erratic breathing. I placed my hand over my mouth not really trusting myself.

I heard someone open the door and shuffle inside. "Miss Albamonte?" I heard a femenine voice call out. It's a trick Marcia.

I was about to crawl out but I stayed hidden instead hoping she left soon so I could find an exit. I saw the woman walk towards the closet and bathroom to check them. When she realized they were empty, she ran out of the room close to tears. That was not weird at all.

I crawled out and ran out towards the corridor, until I met the end of the hall. When I heard rushed footsteps I quickly hid behind the tall curtains.

"Landon! Shes gone." The woman that was in the room earlier, sobbed while making her way to it.

"What do you mean she's gone?" Landon asked her with an edge to his voice.

"I mean, she wasn't in there. What if she jumped out of the window? We're on the second floor."She asked him with a horrified face and they ran towards the room.

I slipped out from behind the curtains and ran onto a large balcony. I glanced down over the edge and saw that it overlooked a large pool. I glanced around and saw the enforcers now making their way inside, leaving the back unguarded. I sat on the edge and took a deep breath. I could do this. I could jump and save myself, the pool looked deep enough anyway and it wasn't that high.

I heard the balcony doors open and I inched forward, jumping successfully from the edge. I heard a scream while I was falling and then it was blocked by the water. My feet touched the bottom of the pool and I jumped upwards ready to resurface. I took a deep breath and swam towards the edge.

"Are you alright miss?" I heard the same femenine voice call out but I ignored her. I pulled myself upwards and ran towards a tall fence at the end of the property.Behind me I could hear the woman calling out to Landon but I continued running. I reached the fence and ran faster, once I got close enough I jumped up. I managed to hold on and I pulled myself over it. I jumped down on the other side, next to a road and started running towards the closest town, which was about five minutes away. I ignored my scrapped knees and my raw hands.

Halfway down the road I heard the sound of oncoming cars. I glanced over my shoulder and noticed they were the same that had arrived when I woke up. I panicked and started running faster, aware that my legs were now burning. I could see the outskirts of the town when suddenly a sedan cut me off and I came to a halt. This was it.

I glanced around noticing a house about two blocks away and I went for it. A man that stepped out of the car saw my intentions and ran after me. I was picked up midstep and thrown over a shoulder. I sagged against the man knowing I wouldn't be able to get away, aware that I was surrounded. I was still breathing harshly when he let me down next to the sedan.

"Impressive." He mumbled to himself.

"What, did I get further than the last one?" I asked him sarcastically.

He glanced at me with a frown and opened the door for me. "What?" He asked puzzled and I got inside the car, not answering him.

I placed my hands under my legs and waited for the man to drive me back. Currently drenched, I was now regretting diving into the pool.

The drive back felt too short, and once we arrived Landon opened the door for me. "What do you want from me?" I asked him and made no move to get out the car. My clothes were stuck to me and I smelled a bit like chlorine making my current headache rage on.

"It's not my place to tell, your mother was supposed to tell you..." He trailed off.

"What did you do to her?" I demanded, removing the wet hair that was stuck to my face.

"Nothing, actually she's untouchable." He responded.

"What?" I mumbled and he opened the door wider.

"Come with me and your questions will be answered." He responded and I thought about it for a split second. I guess if they wanted to hurt me they would've done it already. I narrowed my eyes at him and got out the car ever so slowly . I followed him inside and I saw a man a few feet away standing with his back towards us. He was tall just like Landon and his wide shoulders gave him just a bit more of intimidation.

He heard the door close and turned around slowly. When his eyes met mine, I felt completely vulnerable. I was met with his hard stare and stiff body language. His jaw was taunt and his hair was a bit disheveled, as if he had been running his hands through it. He walked towards us and I noticed his broad shoulders realx.

"I'm Ashton Ferrer, your soon to be husband." He introduced himself while extending his hand towards me.


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