Chapter 6 - The Siblings

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"I'm starting to regret tagging along."

They had tried their best to cut through the streets and dispatch the numerous bandits across the place.

Only trouble was, the goddamn armoured vehicle was proving a challenge for them, and Y/N wasn't fond of it, at all.

"Geez, I wonder why." Ellie murmured sarcastically, the girl herself had her knife tight in her hand as another bandit appeared ahead of them, watching out for anyone, including them.

"Probably got something to do with that armoured 50 cal truck that's fucking us six ways from Sunday." Y/N grunted as he came up behind the enemy and struck him with his knife, cutting his throat and ending him.

"Six ways from— No, you know what? I'm not gonna say it."

"Say what?" Y/N asked as Joel signaled them to push ahead and past a few more stores.

Before coming upon a stairwell leading up and to the side of an apartment building.

Ellie sighed, more out of exasperation. "You've got a pretty colourful mouth."

'You can freaking talk.'

"...Thank you?"

"Wasn't a compliment."

It held no real bite, but still, Y/N took it at face value.

Y/N wrinkled his nose. "I'm starting to regret a lot more than just my tag along, Princess."

"Like what?" Ellie asked as they finally were out of the danger zone.

Passing the stairwell up, they ventured left into part of an office building, deciding on checking it out before heading any further.

"Like why I ever thought to rescue you in the first place, nevermind talk to you." Y/N grumbled as he picked the room clear as Joel and Ellie did the same.

The both of them realising Joel hadn't said a thing, except orders to move, and keep pushing.

"I don't see why." There was genuine shock in her voice, before she surpassed it with an air of smugness. "You would've died of boredom without me."

"Oh, I was wondering why I hadn't blown my brains out just yet." Y/N snarked, yet a level of seriousness remained in his off hand comment that had Ellie silently questioning it.

Shaking his head, Y/N entered the next room, Ellie followed as Joel took the other room. "I can think of worse ways to die." He thought out loud.


"Anyone ever tell you that you're annoying?" Y/N rolled his eyes as he picked up some more ammo, and restocked himself.

"Only once." Ellie shrugged. "Come on, I'll get us started. Hanging."

"You're messed up." Y/N just shook his head, except he couldn't help the small curl of his lips that almost resembled a smile.

"So killing and stealing is fine, but thinking of worse ways to die is where you draw the line?" Eliie asked with a raised eyebrow.

Y/N sighed and decided playing along was the better move, "Torture. Something I've been experiencing a lot lately."

"Ass." Ellie muttered, making their way to yet another room, the last one after Joel. "Eaten alive?"

"I'd say it's tasteless, but..."

Ellie scoffed before she took the time to think of another one, then said. "Suicide."

Y/N stopped suddenly, right before his hand could reach the door handle. His posture straightened and movement tensed. Before he let out a dwlinding sigh. "Pathetic. Drowning." He directed the answer away and moved on.

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