Chapter 2 - Helping Strangers

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Manoeuvring deeper into the city deemed harder than Y/N initial thought. Many streets were blocked off with cars, debris and even infected roaming. For the better, Y/N decided to sneak around most of them, only taking down a few silently that were in his way. The gunshots still echoed throughout the part of the city, only did it stop as Y/N reached the end of his fifth detour.

He figured who ever was attacking or being attacked, were moving further away from the scene. Though whoever it was, Y/N had no idea. He hadn't encountered anyone living for a while. Sneaking past another set of infected, Y/N made his way into an office building, scavenging anything on his way, he wasn't necessarily in a rush to aid anyone, or kill anyone either.

When he reached the top of the small office building, he managed to get a better lay of land, for a better view, Y/N grabbed his rifle and aimed through the scope to scan the area. Moving north-west, he spotted what looked like a couple of buildings, a garage and a store, where he could barely make out smoke of a crashed vehicle. Dead bodies littered around it.


He soon spotted the ragged and torn outfits of the Hunters, so whoever was in the car was still alive... for now. Suddenly more gunshots sounded and not too far enough. Y/N gaze with the scope snapped further north and he spotted a group of three maybe five Hunters. They were standing on top of a wrecked bus, target practise by the looks of it. Must not have heard the commotion.

Y/N scanned the area for anymore, or even for the people who were from the car crash, he looked for a minute until he his gaze fixated on something, he twisted the dial on the scope further and zoomed in, he saw a shadow of a person moving up fast past the wrecked cars.

When the person finally came into view, he spotted an old man, no longer than his fifties he reckoned. The man stopped behind a taxi cab as the men from the bus jumped down.

He snapped his gaze back on the old man, he was watching them, probably trying to figure out a way past them or how to go through them. Just as the group of Hunters were about to move on, something, or somebody bumped into Joel behind, knocking over a stack of empty cans, causing a loud thud and for the group of bandits to look in their direction

'Fucking dumbass.' Y/N thought as he rolled his eyes, looking at the group, they were advancing on them, getting closer. He went back to the old man and finally saw what, or rather who, knocked the cans over. It was a girl, no more older than himself. She had a mix of brunette and strawberry hair, cut medium length. She had porcelain skin and a pocket knife out, nice.

Y/N let out a sigh as he watched the two people try to prepare for bandits heading for them. In a split second decision, he decided to help them, why? Well he was aloner, wary yes, but not completely fucking heartless.

He propped the rifle out and laid it against the part of the window for better stability and aimed the rifle at the closer bandit to them, the one was just about to round the car as the old man got out his gun. Checking that he had a round in, Y/N leveled his breath and aimed the cross-hair of the sights on the man, aiming for his leg. He waited a second before squeezing the trigger.

'Boom, sucker.'

The kick of the butt did nothing but faze him, his shoulder was far used to the punishment of rifle stock battering him from experience before. The bullet pierced the fucker's leg and he went down to the ground screaming, alerting the others. The hunters turned around frantically looked in all directions, most of them were taking cover immediately but some were standing idly.

'Idiots.' Y/N pulled back the chamber and let the casing fall, before priming it again and setting his sights on another, this one wielding a molotov. He aimed for his head and fired, the shot doming him right through the forehead, and the body fell to the ground, by now the rest of them were covered.

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