Chapter 12 - A Way Out: Part I

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"...Could be. It's too high for a boost."

After dispatching the infected, the group had picked up their pace, not wanting to lag behind in their search out of the sewer. Y/N himself wasn't subtle in his opinion on the matter, either.

If not for his leg, he probably would have tried scaling up to that platform, via the gaping hole that chewed through the long gone rusted metal and aging material.

"Maybe there's another way to get there."

Looking around, there weren't many options.

The group had stopped halfway through, bringing themselves to halt when they sighted the clear light of the sun piercing through overgrown waves of foliage and grass to their left. And to their right, barred a rather small gateway. Put up together long before the world ended. A metal chain link fencing with a doorway fitted in between, the steelhead bar handle still clinging onto whatever viability it had left.

"I'd say that classes as another way out... or in." Y/N stated as they turned and made their way over. Stopping just short of a lining through the concrete surface beneath them. "Huh..."

Joel was the first one forward, and Sam second, as he was eager to follow on. While Y/N stood to the far side with Ellie in tow and Henry who watched adhesively as the older man approached the gate.

Turning his head, Y/N watched as Joel pushed the gate's door open, before the sounding echo of a metallic clang breached their ears. A barrel had dropped from the ceiling via another roped trap.

And the only thing that left Y/N's mouth was the string of curses he had locked up inside.

"Oh shit."


Immediately a whirl of machinery followed and suddenly Y/N had his hand out, pulling Ellie back by the bare clutches of her backpack as the familiar screech of a gate dropped down before them. A huge metal gate had dropped, cutting off the group from each other. With Joel and Sam on the other side safe, and Y/N, Ellie and Henry together, trapped.

"Sam!" Henry shouted, distress filling his voice as the man ran up to the gate, his hands gripping onto the windowed see-through openings that allowed them a sight on each other.

"Yeah, I'm okay."

"Fuck." Y/N cursed as moved up by Henry, with Ellie, listening as Joel spoke back to the younger man. He had triggered the trap by opening the door, and now they were stuck in between.


"Henry, see if we can lift this."

As Henry reached down to try and lift the gate, Ellie stared back at Sam, idly clinging onto her pistol in her back jeans, as Y/N joined with Henry to help him.

"So..." Ellie started, shaking her head. "This is awkward."

Y/N huffed, straining as his hands buckled against the underneath of the gate. "You're telling me." He tried his best, but even with Henry and Joel they just couldn't move it.

"Yeah, I know. It's like every time--"

Ellie heard it first, and then Y/N.


The obnoxious and shrilling screams of the infected was something Y/N had gotten used to. But even so, he still fucking hated their presence.

"Hey, this thing isn't budging man." Henry said as he pushed against the gate.

"Oh really?" Y/N exclaimed as he banged into the gate, crashing his shoulder against the gating, which only resulted with a sore shoulder.

His blood began to pump and adrenaline surged as the screams of the infected got louder and louder to their left. The opening of a grate much like the one they had used to get into the sewer from the outside was slacking under pressure and god knows what was coming from behind it.

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