THIRTEEN.4| "Did you know?"

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This feels exactly like the when someone drops the 'we need to talk' bomb, it make the moment so tense, the other party and in this case I, waiting for the 'talk' while our brain makes up a billion ideas and theories all negative.

I gulped, my heart beat picking up as I nod, gesturing for him to continue. Dylan looks up at me with big eyes, "you have to promise me, you won't be mad, okay? Here me out first before you jump to conclusions," Erm... that's like telling someone they can't run away when their house is on fire, no, you have to run!

"Okay..." I stretch out, waiting for him to speak up. I have feeling I know exactly where this going...

I notice Dylan struggling to structure what he wants to say, starting then stoping, taking deep breath myself I decide to help him out, okay you can do it Jaya!

I reach forwards to grab his shaking hands, calming my nerves, I call, "Elliot?" AHHH!

Dy-Elliot snaps his head up at me, his eyes widen and he looks gobsmacked, I guess I dropped the bomb instead... I really hope this is what he wanted to tell me, if not, awkward...

"Wha-you-wait, what?" Eliot stutters, "how long have you known?" He finally recovers and stares at me in confusion.

This time it's my turn to be guilty, "well.. After the carnival-"

"Jaya?! That's Dylan, they look exactly the same," Millie exclaimed, she was fuming walking back and forth in my room, "come on think, was there anything else that just doesn't make sense?"

I thought hard, looking for weird situations, "the modelling agency! He was there but, told me they were modelling his soap... Okay yeah that's bull," damn it.

"He alway wears a cap and sunglasses!" Millie pointed out, "and the party, he was in the VIP section," she grabbed her hair in frustration. Did we really get scammed...? Okay it's not a scam but damn, feels like it.

"But he seemed like a great guy...?" I carefully said, everything couldn't have been fake...Right?

Millie nodded, "yeah okay he did, but he lied about his real identity! That's a very important thing when you date someone!"

I copied Millie, nodding along, "I mean, he is a celebrity maybe he was just trying to protect himself..." I really shouldn't be defending him but here I am.

Millie finally sat down besides me, "I get lying to us because we're strangers but you?! Why'd he lied to you? Or did you know?"

I quickly shake my head, "once again, strangers... Millie I'm going to tell you something, please don't laugh or kill me-"

And then I spent the next hour explaining to Millie why I did what I did, she called me stupid and an fool for letting some random guy play my boyfriend.. Yes, I am aware. But she also told me how lucky I was that it was Dyl-still getting used it to, that it was Elliot who have stood behind me and not some actual creep.

Which is true, this would've been a whole different story and genre if it wasn't Elliot.

I look up at Elliot who was still shocked, he finally looks down and sighs, his eyes staring at our joined hands which I was about to pull away but Elliot tightens his grip. Okay...

"I need to ask," I wait for a sign, to show that I could, Elliot looks up and stares at me, I continue, "why didn't you tell me sooner? Didn't you trust me? I thought we were friends," because I trusted you.

He quickly shakes his head, "we are, I promise and I didn't lie to you about anything else, just about my career and name, who I was with you that's who I really am," Maybe it wasn't all fake...?

He continues, "At first there was no reason for me to tell you my true identity, I mean we were both strangers so, I didn't think it mattered and I never actually expected us to meet again. But we did.

We kept meeting, every time I thought 'that was it I'll never see her again', but I did.

And I wanted to tell you so bad, but I don't know what was stopping me, maybe it was my fear that you'd somehow use me. See, it's very hard for me to trust someone when all I've experienced from previous friendships or relationships are negative, they would also use me to for something, whether it be fame or money.

And for once I wanted someone who would be with me for me and you were, to you I was this weirdo who works at the soap company and rents cars to look cool and impress girls," he chuckles, remembering when I called him out for renting expensive cars he can't afford, which is clearly not true.

I sigh and nod, "For the time we've talked, had you not once thought, I'd understand you and be the last person to use you for something like fame or money,"

He looks back down, "I did, I know you're not like that,"

I sigh once again, "Dyl-Sorry, Elliot-" I pause when I notice him suddenly smile from across me, "what?"

He continues smiling, "sorry, I couldn't help it, I finally get to hear you say my name and not some random dudes,"

I raise my left eyebrow at him, "and whose fault is that?"

He holds his hand up in surrender, "guilty as charged,"

I shake my head, smiling along with him, "I understand where you're coming from, having experienced it myself,"

He glances at him and furrows his burrows in confusion, I continue to clear his confusion, "see my situation is similar to yours except I didn't have any fame or money to give out, just some brothers. Girls in my school would use me as a stepping stone to get to them, obviously failing once they're caught but it really hurt you know, knowing that they'd only approach me for a specific goal.

So I stopped trying to make new friends and just stuck with Dallas," I stop, leaving out the other half of the story.

"So how'd you meet your other friends?" He asks, tilting his head.

"Millie and Sarah were in my homeroom, they finally decide to approach us but this time it was because Millie liked Dallas, they started going out and we just all became friends," one big dysfunctional group.

He nods, "I'm sorry Jaya," he apologises, once again.

"It okay, I'm not that mad at you,"

His eyes widen, "So you forgive me?"

I smile and nod, "I do,"

A big smile appears on his face and he reaches forward, pulling me into a hug while repeating, "thank you, thank you," he rests his chin on my shoulder, "I was so afraid you were going to leave,"

I hesitantly wrap my arms around his waist, "I'm not,"

Elliot Knight?

I like it...

Suddenly Elliot pulls away, his hands on my shoulder as he stares at me, "there's one more thing I need tell you..."


- Authors Note -

Hiii, so it's finally out! 😁

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, thank you for reading!💕

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, thank you for reading!💕

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(My favourite crackheads)

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