THIRTEEN.3| "But what Dallas?"

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Dallas stared at me, his expression changing and morphing from confusion, shocked and scared?

"What?" He finally breathed out, his head tilted to the side a little as he tried to process what I was saying.

I didn't want to repeat myself, I was hoping I didn't have to, "Are you?"

He shook his head, his mouth gape, "Jaya, what are you on about?"

I sighed, biting the insides of my cheek, "I heard you, I heard you and Dylan talking,"

His eyes widen, there's a long pause before he says anything, "how much did you hear?"

"I heard up to the bit where you kinda implied that you liked someone else, that wasn't your girlfriend,"

He breathes a sigh of relief and slowly shakes his head, stepping forward, "Listen Jaya, I swear to you I'm not cheating on Millie with Sarah, isn't she with Tim?"

I shrug, "I don't know, she says they're complicated,"

He continues, "and I love Millie I do, but," he stops, nervous to continue.

I narrow my eyes at him, "but what Dallas?"

He tuts and sighs, "but nothing, I promise, I swear to you and everyone I love that I'm not cheating on Millie,"

I frown, "I don't know what going on and you clearly don't feel comfortable about telling me, but let's say, does Millie know?"

He looks down and frowns a little while nodding, "she knows, she knew before we went out and she also knows that it's a feeling I will never act upon and I do love her,"

I stare gaped at him, "wha-what? So you like someone else, but you're dating Millie, who knows that and you say you like both of them, how does that even work? Is the even fair on Millie?"

He took a few more steps towards me, his hands reaching to grasp my elbow, "I don't expect you to understand how I feel Jaya, but just because I love- someone else doesn't change what I feel for Millie. The way I love that person and Millie are very different and special in their own way,"

I narrow my eyes at him, "you were going to say something,"

He furrows his brows, "Huh?"

"You were gonna say something before you cut yourself off," he could've hidden his slip up but the way his face did a 180, confirmed it.

He let go of my elbow and took a step back, "I wasn't, I was just confused, you know I blabber when I'm nervous," I do

I tilt my head at him, my eyes glancing inside to notice our friends looking around, "Why would you be nervous?"

He sighs, "because I'm afraid of losing you, I don't want anything to change between us, I don't want you to see me any different,"

I frown, "why would I? You're my friend, my best friend actually, so if you were being stupid normally I would join in but if it was really really dumb, I'd probably smack some sense into you, but I'm not leaving you, I literally can't,"

He smirks, "Awh, is Jaya finally being honest with me,"

I roll my eyes at him, "Hey, hey, don't get used to it, there's a restaurant right next to me and you know what they have, mayonnaise," 

He playfully glares at me, walking around me, he wraps his arm around my shoulder, "when will you stop threatening me with mayonnaise? I don't think I'm traumatised anymore you know,"

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