SEVEN.3| "Was that a joke?"

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"What?!" I say, a little too loud, causing the people around us to turn and stare, giving me confused and annoyed looks.

But I decide to just stare at Dylan in confusion, he looked damn serious, but suddenly he just started laughing, "you should have seen your face," he says between his laughter.

I blink and continue staring at him, waiting for him to stop,

"Okay okay I'm sorry," he finally stops but we can still see his recovering because he's trying to hold back his laugh.

"Was that a joke?" I blankly ask, he gives me a cheeky smile and nods. I roll my eyes, "I've heard sad songs funnier than that joke,"

He smiles and chuckles, "okay sorry, but yeah it was for my on and off girlfriend, who's not actually my girlfriend but-it's complicated," he ends it with a sigh.

This hot as hell guy is having difficulties getting a girl...I might as well give up then.

I raise my brows and stare at him but, quickly recover, "dude you should've told me, I'm the best cupid,"

He smirks, "I don't know, you seem pretty lonely to me," Cupid is always lonely.

I glare at him and throw the extra plastic spoon at him, hitting his shoulder. He gasps, clutching his shoulder, "I think it's dislocated," he cries, pretending to groan in pain. Drama queen.

"Please relocate yourself somewhere else," I deadpan, annoyed with him pushing the topic towards another direction. I mean it's fine if he doesn't wanna talk about it, but he shouldn't have told me the headline if he wasn't gonna give me the full story.

"Fine fine, sorry," he stops and digs his spoon back into his ice cream, which was now soup, great.

At least I finished mine before that happened but, the free one we got was a waste because now it's just mango juice.

"And you wanted to get six," Dylan rolls his eyes, pushing his ice cream away,

"This never happens to me," I push my empty one away from me, he looks at the cup and then looks up at me and glares.

"So how come you were allowed out on Valentine's Day, weren't they suspicious?" He asked,

I give him a fake smile, "I mean they would've been if they were home but everyone's busy,"

He nods, "I thought Cupid was the busiest on Valentine's Day,"

I give him another glare, "if you don't shut up, I will throw this ice cream over your head," don't attack a girls singleness.

He chuckles and holds his hands up in defence, "Geez, chill out, I'm only joking," he looks around the ice cream parlour, then turns to me, "shall we head out, we can walk and talk?"

I nod, "Sure," we both get up from our seats and walk out the parlour.

While walking down the street, I notice the pavement was square boxes with visible lines, causing me to smile, "You can't stand on the line!" I quickly shout, standing in a box. Dylan looks down and also quickly gets in the box beside me and shakes his head at me.

Giving him a smile, we continue walking ahead, avoiding the lines, "You remind me of my younger brother," Dylan suddenly says, but I don't look up, I continue looking at the pavement as I replied, "Really? How?"

"He's just like you, always smiling and really childish I guess," I stop and look up to see him smiling, causing me to also smile, "he sounds like a great person," I say, even though he just called me childish, I'll ignore it.

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