A Friend in Need

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So I wake up in the following morning. I have completely forgotten that I needed to go out again to refresh my crossbow turrets. I'm standing at level 32 and It's clear to see that with each level I feel stronger. I wonder how the guy at 89 000 felt. But nonetheless I will have to go and fetch the rest of my loot and items. I completely forgot about showering as I was heading downstairs towards Beatrice.

Namey: "Hey Willby do I need to keep after my hygiene to stay clean?"

Willby: "There is no need for that."

Namey: "Man I love this game."

Beatrice: "Hey Namey how did you sleep last night?"

Namey: "I slept well, thank you Beatrice."

Beatrice: "So what would you like to eat for this morning?"

Namey: "I think I'll go with the same as usual didn't know I had a choice?"

Beatrice: "Well all I did was just make my specialty."

Namey: "No wonder it tasted so amazing."

Beatrice: "Stop flattering me so much." she blushed.

Namey: "Oh sorry, I was just being honest." I said nervously.

Beatrice left to go and prepare the food. I began pondering about something that I have completely forgotten about but It felt urgent. I tried thinking about it but thought that. If it was really urgent I would remember it again. I wondered about the fact that I got to level 32 and if there were any special quests that I would be able to do to speed up my progress of levelling, therefore gaining gold faster.

Beatrice: "Hey, your food is getting cold!" She shouted.

Namey: "Oh sorry, I didn't even realise the food was in front of me."

Beatrice: "Yeah, you were pretty zoned out there. Anything in particular that you were thinking about?"

Namey: "How do I gain levels faster and gain more gold as a level 30 adventurer?"

Beatrice: "Wow, you continue to surprise me every day with your level gains. Well the best thing I know of is that you can enter dungeons. These places are treacherous but are worth the risk. Most of the time people go in groups with their own clan within a Guild.

Namey: "Interesting, thanks for the information and also thanks for the food."

Beatrice: "Enjoy!"

Namey: "For a guide you are pretty lousy in sharing information."

Willby: "Do I even need to be here for you to find your way or have you already found it?"

Namey: "Mmm, good point I guess."

(Willby is referring to the fact that he is a guide to playing the game and not a guide that helps you walk through the game. In it's raw essence he let's you play the game by yourself and letting you make your own choices. Even if it's not the most ideal ones)

So I started heading to the guild to find out more about the dungeons. I used my teleport ability to get myself to the front of the adventurer's guild. I started heading inside.

Namey: "Hey Namara how are you?"

Namara: "Hey Namey I'm good and you?"

Namey: "I got to about level 32 and I'm wondering where I can get to explore some dungeons"

Namara: *Gasped* "what?!"

Namey: "I'm looking for dungeons?"

Namara: "No, not that!"

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