A Journey Continues

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So here I am having found myself within a clan that's desperate for young talent to somehow aid them in their fight and struggle against other clans.
(Somewhere in the middle of nowhere on our way to a different more dangerous town)
Namey: "Exactly how are we losing if we don't really lose forces?"

Bertrude: "It's quite simple really, we basically lose too many forces than we are respawning."

Namey: "But how do they take land?"

Bertrude: "Basically the town if claimed by the same ally that has died within it. The ally will also respawn within said town unless it's been claimed by an enemy faction."

Namey: "This means that we are more concentrated in terms of forces the more towns we lose and also is the sole reason for not entirely losing the war already."

Bertrude: "Correct. But this poses different threats like not having enough food or housing which is why Beatrice my sister has kept lodging at a good price and food affordable oth-"

Namey: "Otherwise marketers would use the whole supply and demand principle and unreasonably hike the prices into unaffordable margins further destroying the economic trouble that we are in."

Bertrude: "Uhhh... I can see you are quite knowledgable on these matters."

Namey: "Kind of, it's similar to what I've witnessed when there is a short supply of something that everyone needs."

Bertrude: "Namey this might sound crass but... wpuld you be able to solve this problem given the opportunity to do so?"

Namey: "With my eyes closed, why?"

Bertrude: "Maybe you can help dethrone the current King who is newly appointed is selfish and arrogant."

Namey: "You hardly know me and yet you want me to become King already?"

Bertrude: "Anything to save this Country or we will cease to exist as a race"

Namey: "I'm guessing we won't be able to respawn if we lose every city?"

*Bertrude shakes his head*

Namey: "Alright mister knowledgeable how about do I go becoming a King?"

Bertrude: "Reach level 50 000"

Namey: "Tall order chief you really think it's possible within the limited time frame?"

Bertrude: "We will continue to exist for at least another 10 years, and by my calculations you'll reach it by 9 and be able to share your ability once on the throne"

Namey: "I share my abilities as a king?"

Bertrude: "Only your ultimate ability."

Namey: "What's the current King's ultimate then?

Bertrude: "Xp gain..."

Namey: "You say it like it's a bad thing?"

Bertrude: "It is since 1 in 10 are affected by the gift making only them gain experience faster but not providing real combat skills that are necessary for those to really win in a 1 on 1 battle."

Namey: "How would I know if I have the king's ability?"

Bertrude: "You have it. Because you are gaining experience points at an alarming rate."

Namey: "I'm guessing that you could be right. Well either way I'm tired so I'm just going to say good night and hope we reach wherever soon"

Bertrude: "Sleep well Namey."

I dozed off only to be awoken by the carriage hitting a stone in the path and violently throwing me in the air

Namey: "Aaah crap! I hit my head."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2021 ⏰

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