Chapter 37....

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"Kids! Time to get up! Lucas, Annie and the girls will be here in just a minute!"

The sound of my mom's voice came through the door making me groan. I snuggled deeper into the warm body that I was pressed against.

"You all better be down here in 5 minutes!"

"Go away." I muttered. The body I was laying on moved as they chuckled making my head move along with it. "Stoppp. I'm trying to sleep." I whined.

"You really aren't a morning person."

"No, now shush." With my eyes closed I brought arm up and moved it in the general direction of Knox's voice.

Everything was quiet for a moment as I tried to go back to sleep but as soon as I started to drift off another knock sounded at the door.

"Aubrey get up." She knew me well enough that I would go back to sleep. "Aubrey!"

"Fine! We're coming." I shouted back.

"You do know its Christmas right? You shouldn't be grumpy."

"Yeah, yeah put a sock in it." I grumbled as I slowly untangled myself from him. I didn't have it in me to be embarrassed for practically laying on top of him. I stumbled out of bed and went straight for the bathroom.

Splashing water on my face I stared at my reflection as I thought back on what happened last night. A lot happened...a lot. I had no plans on breaking down in front of Knox and I was without a doubt extremely embarrassed that I basically got snot all over him. But the fact that he didn't care and said the things he did...I had no words. When I think he couldn't surprise me anymore he does.

Thinking back on the way he shared personal things with me, how he held me, hell even the way he told me how it was last night; I felt the feelings inside of me shift. I knew for a fact I felt something towards Knox. Maybe it was just a crush and everything going on right now was just heightening it but it was a feeling I have never felt before. Not with any of my past boyfriends.

With that came nerves. Nerves that maybe what I was starting to feel was only one-sided. That like every relationship I've ever had I'll mess this one up to. So many things kept popping up in my head. But now was definitely not the time for it. I didn't need to stress about any of that today. No, today was Christmas and that meant pushing aside all the fears, the questions, and everything else off to the side.

With that thought in mind I put it all to the back of my mind. Time to go celebrate Christmas with my family.

Once the two of us were ready we made our way downstairs. We were still clad in our PJ's just like every Christmas morning. Seeing that my two nieces weren't here yet I followed the scent of freshly brewed coffee in the kitchen.

Walking in I found Jackson, Olivia and my Mom already there drinking coffee. Seeing that the clock only read 7:15 in the morning I made a beeline for the coffee pot.

"It should be against the law to be up this early." Jackson mumbled where he sat at the bar. I seconded that by raising my coffee mug. I made both Knox and I a cup before settling on a stool next to Olivia.

"Merry Christmas." She chirped grinning widely at me and her brother. Out of all of us she looked the most excited to be up this early.

"Merry Christmas." I smiled back, her mood a little contagious.

"Where's my 'Merry Christmas'?" Jackson asked from the other side of me. With one hand I reached over and smacked the back of his head. "That's not Christmas-y at all. Mom! Aubrey smacked me."

"You probably deserved it." She said not even turning around. I stuck my tongue out childishly.

Before he could say anything in return the sound of the front door opening followed by yelling echoed into the kitchen.

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