Chapter 4....

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At exactly 9:30 am the next morning I walked into The Busy Bean with determination that today I was going to find the perfect guy. I woke up early this morning with a better attitude and I took that to mean today was the day.

Not seeing Leah yet, I made my way to the counter and ordered a much needed Hazelnut Latte and a muffin before finding an empty booth. It was extremely cold outside which made my body crave the warm coffee. The cafe was slightly busy as it normally was on a Saturday morning. This was a popular spot for locals to come and get great coffee and good food.

Right as my coffee and muffin were placed on the table, Leah along with Oliver walked through the doors. Oliver spotted me first since he stood at 6'2 and could easily see above everyone in the cafe.

"So another date, huh?" Oliver asked, standing in front of the table as Leah slid in first.

"Yeah some guy named Knox Mikelson. He was very vague in his email." I spoke over my coffee mug, the warmth seeping into my hands. Across from me Leah was decked out in a huge jacket and a scarf that covered half of her face.

I found myself smiling at the grumpy look on her face as she pulled off her gloves. I could tell it was too early for her on a Saturday to be up.

"Coffee and a muffin babe?" Oliver asked and merely got a nod. He just smiled down at his girlfriend before heading to the counter. The two of us knew Leah was worthless until she got a cup of coffee in her system.

I smiled into my coffee as Leah sat there not saying a word. Yet another thing that differed between us, I was more of a morning person while Leah was not. She purposely told her clients to get married in the afternoon instead of the morning. As a wedding photographer Leah had to be there hours before the event to get stuff ready so if it was in the mornings she was not a happy camper.

The moment Oliver came back with their coffee's Leah perked up. He didn't even set it down before she latched onto it and took a big sip. The coffee could be pipping hot and Leah would still gulp it down like water. Oliver chuckled at her as he took a seat, holding his own mug between his hands.

Thank god the cafe was warm enough that my shivers had subsided. While I loved this time of year I hated the cold weather. The only thing was we always got snowy Christmas's at least.

"So this new guy." Leah finally spoke. I knew she hadn't heard a single word I said a moment ago.

"His name is Knox Mikelson. He's 28 and has light brown hair. He apparently owns a hardware store in town but that is all I got from him. He was very vague." I scrunched up my face as I thought about it. Him being so vague was sending warning signals to my brain.

"That names seems slightly familiar." She mused. Beside her Oliver nodding as well, looking slightly confused by the name.

"He said he'll be here at 10 which is," I glanced down at my phone, "in five minutes." I spoke out loud.

"I hope he isn't lying and isn't really some old guy like the other day." Oliver joked, which made me roll my eyes but I inwardly agreed with him.

"And if he isn't the right one?" Leah asked, snuggling into Oliver's side. Tapping my finger on the brim of my mug I shrugged.

"Then I'll have to just bare the comments on christmas." I tried to play it off like I didn't care but judging by the look on Leah's face she knew I was lying.

We fell into silence after that. All three of us sipping on our warm coffees as we waited for this Knox guy. I scrolled through my social media to kill time while Leah and Oliver talked quietly to each other.

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