Chapter 20....

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"First stop is the Farmers Market." I stated, buckling my seat belt.

"They have a Farmers Market in the middle of winter and on Christmas?" Knox asked, cranking up the heat in the car. The split second we were outside was enough to make frozen already. Thankfully though it wasn't snowing, but by the look of the clouds it could at any moment.

"Yep. And this time of year is one of the best times to go."

After our little shower run in earlier neither of us have brought it back up. Once I came out of the bathroom from doing my makeup and hair, I ignored the tension between us. We still had a few days together and it was best to brush it off and forget about it. Knox seemed inclined to do the same.

"What do they sell?" Knox questioned, backing out of the driveway.

"They'll have a few fruits and vegetables but the main stuff is Christmas themed. All different kinds of Holiday sweets, handmade stuff for presents. That sort of thing." I had so many memories coming to the farmers market with my parents, looking at every booth and seeing what they were selling. Always buying carmel popcorn to snack on as we walked.

Knox was quiet as I gave him directions to the market. I gazed out the window, smiling softly at the familiar sights. When I was younger I couldn't wait to get out of this town but now coming back older I found I missed it. Missed the quiet air, the cute little shops, the fact that there wasn't much traffic.

"Cute town." Knox commented as he drove down main street.

"In high school I use to hate it here. Thought there wasn't much to do with my friends and everyone knows everything. It was boring to a teenager."

"Burlington can feel like that sometimes, especially when I was younger. It's bigger than here for sure but in high school when you wanted to go out with your friends all the time it got old fast."

"I can see that. But coming back here now I think I enjoy it more." I admitted.

Up ahead I noticed the farmers market and told Knox to start looking for a parking spot. It may be a slightly small town but they all came out at this time of year, making it hard to find parking to the events.

Luck was on our side as we found one a little closer to the famers market. Jumping out of the truck I shivered at the cold breeze. For a split second I questioned if we really wanted to come here but the want to see stuff and show Knox around took over the cold. Better to do this now than when it starts snowing.

"So every year you guys have festivals and stuff?" Knox asked as we met around the front of the truck. Heading towards the market I nodded.

"Yeah. I'm not sure when it started but the week of Christmas the town puts together little events for everyone. The market will go on during the day, and at night different things will start." I explained.

"Like tonight will probably be some choir event with all the kids from the schools singing, and there will be a play from the local theater group. Another night will be contests like ice-sculpting, gingerbread houses, building and decorating snowmen, baking contests. Then the final night will be a huge festival with rides, ice skating, sledding, booth with food and games, and then they will light the huge christmas tree."

"Wow that's...a lot." I laughed at the taken aback look on Knox's face.

"It can be quite a lot but it's fun. The last night is the best though in my opinion."

The closer we got to the market the more people we saw. To avoid running into a group of older ladies I veered into Knox, stumble as I hit his hard frame. I easily would have fallen if he hadn't reached out and gripped my elbow.

"Thanks." I breathed.

"You aren't graceful are you?" Knox questioned, raising an eyebrow at me.

"I am very graceful." I defended myself. "I didn't want to hit the poor ladies."

"You are as graceful as a new born giraffe." Knox deadpanned.

"I'm as graceful as a gazelle thank you very much." I huffed, tugging my arm from his hand.

"A three legged gazelle." He mumbled but I heard it. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You're lucky its christmas time. I'll forgive you for that comment." We continued on staring at each other, the corner of his lip started to quirk up. Who knew Knox had a funny bone. I wasn't one to get offended so easily so his comment was more funny than anything else.

We kept on walking until we came out into parking lot jammed pack with people and booths. The sight made me smile. It was so familiar and almost like an old friend welcoming you back.

"We can just walk around for a little, then we'll head to the store to get stuff for gingerbread houses." One of the reasons I wanted to come here was to try and find some presents for Knox and Olivia. It was so last minute I never got time to go out and find something before we got here.

"If we do get split up we can meet back right here." I suggested. I knew myself and knew at one point I'd drift away from him as we walked.

"Sounds good."

As we headed into the chaos of the farmers market it didn't take long for me to be separated from Knox. One second we were looking at a booth and the next I was down a different aisle, Knox no where in sight. It worked in my favor though so I could now look for presents without him seeing.

Even though it was cold I was enjoying myself just walking around. The fresh air seemed to wrap around me and cleared my head. For the first time in weeks I wasn't stressed or worried about something. I was just enjoying the moment.

Using my chance without Knox I started looking for something for both him and his sister. I wasn't sure what they liked or enjoyed but I know I can find something. I loved this part of Christmas. Shopping for the perfect gift and anticipating the look on their face when they open it.

I don't want to pat myself on the back too much but every year I give the best presents. It was my thing. So with determination I was hell bent on finding the perfect present for both Knox and Olivia. 

And we are back again :D So question....what are some of your favorite Christmas movies??? Every year my family and I watch a bunch! Love Actually, Elf, Home Alone, The Grinch, Santa Claus, Family Stone, Polar Express, and A Christmas Story! <3 <3 <3 

what are some of your favorite Christmas movies??? Every year my family and I watch a bunch! Love Actually, Elf, Home Alone, The Grinch, Santa Claus, Family Stone, Polar Express, and A Christmas Story! <3 <3 <3 

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