Chapter 15....

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"Dinners ready!" My mom yelled from the kitchen, breaking the conversations in the living room. Knox and my two brothers were busy talking about what, no clue. While Olivia and I were playing barbies with the girls.

Every few minutes I found myself glancing at Knox. The grin tugging at the corners of his mouth making me wonder what they were talking about. The three of them were clearly hitting it off.

Sophie and Charlotte tugged Olivia into the kitchen, followed by my brothers which left Knox and I alone in the living for a moment.

"You seem to be getting along with my brothers quite well." I remarked.

"Yeah, they are nice guys. Well aside from Jackson hitting on me a few times."

"Oh god." I brought a hand to my forehead. "I should have warned you he is a chronic flirt."

"I didn't know he was bi." Knox sent me a curious look.

"He came out a few years ago that he was." I kept my eyes on his face, bracing myself to defend my brother. Just because he liked both men and women didn't mean he was any different. I've defended my brother against people saying horrible things, and I would gladly kick Knox out on his ass if he so much as said anything bad towards my brother.

"Doesn't bother me." Knox's words settled the protectiveness inside of me. Because if he had a problem with my brother then I'd send his ass packing. "Just took me by surprise. You never said anything."

"Wasn't my news to share." I shrugged. And it wasn't. It was Jackson's decision to tell people or not. Not mine. "I hope he isn't making you uncomfortable though."

"Not at all." Knox shook his head. "It's a confidence booster." He smirked to which I rolled my eyes.

"Watch out, your shirt may not fit over your head soon." Before he could respond another voice spoke.

"Hey lovebirds, lets eat." Olivia smirked at the two of us. She purposely said it loudly before winking and turning back to the dining room.

"She will be the death of me." Knox muttered. Chuckling I patted his arm.

"She learned from the best." With a smirk of my own I made my way to the dining room. I heard Knox huff behind me before following after me.

The moment I stepped foot in the dining room I felt like I was finally home. The long table was filled with multiple pans of lasagne, tons of garlic bread, and a salad. Everyone was scattered around the table, reaching for food and talking loudly. There was only one thing missing but I pushed that thought away.

There were two empty chairs across from my mom and Jackson for Knox and I, Olivia next to Knox. When Knox pulled my chair out for me I held back my surprise. He was a gentlemen after all. As soon as he was seated I reached for the pan of lasagna in front of me.

I silently thanked my mom for making three pans. My brothers alone could eat a full one themselves. And with how hungry I was right now I could eat half myself. After scooping a large portion on my plate I moved it towards Knox, then grabbed some bread.

Down the table my nieces were musingly eating their lasagne as Annie and Lucas watched over them. I grinned at the sight. I hadn't realized how much I missed those two little girls. Missed sitting around the table with my family.

"So Knox, Aubrey tells me you two met at your hardware store." My mom eventually spoke.

"Yeah she needed a new valve for her sink. She was wandering aimlessly around until she bumped into me. I showed her what she needed and offered to fix it for her and the rest is history." Knox expertly lied, bringing his hand off the table and resting it on my jean clad knee. Even through my jeans I could feel the heat from his hand, sending a zing through me.

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