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I jumped slightly at the loud thud that came from the table I was sitting around.

"Hmm." I groaned out as I covered my eyes from the beaming rays of sunshine.

'I made it through one night. Thank God! Cali here I come!'

I thought as a smile made its way across my face but was quickly removed. As I realized what caused the loud thud.

Or should I say 'WHO' had caused the loud thud.

"What do you want?" I spat out before roughly removing a little drool from my mouth with the back of my hand.

What? If you don't drool while you're asleep was the sleep even remotely good?

I slowly began searching for my book bag but it was somewhat missing.

'Smart move horse face.'

I glared at the bastard sitting before me who now had a slight smirk on his face. "What do you want from me?" I asked running my hands through my now tangled hair.

"I'll tell you what I don't want." He said leaning towards me.

"I don't have time for this." I said not wanting to play his stupid little game. I quickly got up from the booth and made my way outside the diner. Not caring that he had my book bag with all my much needed stuff.

I'd be dammed if I let that stop me from leaving Virginia.

I mentally cursed the second I was fully outside in the bright morning sun.

Vampires needed daylight rings and humans needed sunglasses. I truly never understood why the sun felt the need to be this damn bright.

"Cali's a fairly nice place." I heard a rather familiar voice boomed from behind me. The voice of someone who I thought I had left in the diner.

"I know, now if you'll just hand me my stuff I'll be on my way." I said dryly before I heard a loud sigh from behind me.

Was he serious?? Did he really just sigh? He's the one stopping me from getting on the now loading train. And he has the audacity to be somewhat frustrated? Un - freaking - believable. How the hell did he even know I was here? Maybe cause the bastard minds every business BUT his.

"You have no one in California you won't last a day." He said.

Is he 'bluffing me?' tell me he's not calling my bluff.

"Hand me the book bag for crying out loud!" I yelled causing a few people to turn their attention towards me. Just what I hated cold stares from complete strangers. I couldn't help but to feel a bit embarrassed. I mean here these people were going on about their day. And I was being incredibly vulgar in a public place. That and the fact that I probably looked like a train ran over me because I got lucky and spent the night in a diner.

Note the flipping sarcasm!

My hair was probably a mess and not to mention that. I bet my breath could tame a dragon.

I wish the earth would swallow me whole right in this very moment. "Come on Jade, I can't look out for you if you're all the way in California." he continued.

He was right I wouldn't last a day and the thought of someone hurting me all over again. Was enough to send me running into his arms.

I slowly turned around so I was now facing him before I ran a hand through my hair. "How's James?" I asked as I tried to hide the tears that were now pooling in my eyes by looking away from him. "He'll live, probably won't be in school for awhile but he'll live." He said while starring down at my small frame. "And Liam?" I whispered. I guess I was kind of hoping he wouldn't hear me because I dreaded what his response might be.

I couldn't think about what his responses might be because it made my heart shatter into a million pieces. I loved Liam, I always have and I always will. He was my first maybe not literally but to me he was, he was my first real everything. Besides Morty, Liam was my only before I slept with James. He taught me so much, he made me felt safe. Something I hadn't felt since my grams passed away. He protected me, he was my only friend, my only family and I lost him. Had I knew when I met James that he'd wreck my whole world I'd run. I'd run so far and as hard as I could but unfortunately that's not the way life works. You don't get to take a glance into the future with the person who you choose. Your basically stepping out on a limb and hoping not to fall and even if you do you hope that the one who your falling for catches you.



I think I'm lowkey team.....

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