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"Can I take your order?" I asked a group of friends at a small table in the diner. "Actually we're not ready but you could come back in an hour." The blonde amongst the group spoke out while waving me off with her fingers.

Is it just me or does every blonde tends to think they run things? Freaking wanna be barbies.

"Hopefully I'm not on a break when you decide you're ready to place your order." I said sarcastically before putting the notepad away in the pocket of my apron and going outside.

Compared to Heaven dale, Green dale was like the damn suburbs. I've been here for weeks and I can't seem to find a supplier for my drugs.

"Hey Jada I must say I'm a little offended you felt the need to leave without saying goodbye." a rather familiar voice boomed smoothly from behind me.

My mouth suddenly became dry and my palms became sweaty as my nerves tingled.

'It can't be.'

I thought before turning around slowly to face the blue eyed devil himself.

Liam! The sorry bastard.

Anger completely consumed me as I marched over to him and attempted to slap him. But of course I failed miserably because he grabbed my arm roughly and pulled me into him. I couldn't help but to take this moment to inhale his intoxicating scent.

'Snap out of it you horny cow.' I mentally scolded myself. "Katie couldn't satisfy you so your back?" I asked him harshly before pushing him away from me. "You think I drove 45 minutes just because I need you for sex?" He asked narrowing his cold blue eyes at me. "You do know me being here is equal to being behind enemy lines right?" Liam asked folding his arms across his chest and leaning on his black jeep.

I swear if my cat could talk she'd be saying 'jump me.' But what does he mean 'being behind enemy lines?' How would being in Green dale be equal to being behind enemy lines? Was there some twisted feud going between Heaven dale and Green dale? I've been here over 3 months and I haven't heard any rumors of such. I scoffed sharply before rolling my eyes typical Liam, lying to get his way out of hell. I swear I meant that figuratively but he really was equipped enough to talk his way out hell. He had just the right tools to do it too, his devilish eyes, his menacingly smirk , his aura and his ever so tempting posture.

"How long you been clean?" He asked nodding his head towards me.

"3 and a half months and you couldn't call once?!?" I asked him as I felt a sting in my chest.

Liam and I's relationship has never been one to consider each other's feelings. It was always about the sex for Liam. But not for me and I knew caring so much would get me hurt but I did anyways. Now here we were one of us completely wrecked by the other.

"Katie said you weren't allowed any visitors and the cops showed up at MC a couple times. Making sure that no one had any information on you. This new family seems to be doing a lot to keep you safe." Liam said calmly while trying to read me.

"You could've still called." I said not entirely buying his half ass story.

"Come now Jada I didn't drive 45 minutes just so you could be mad at me." He pleaded.

"Well drive back!" I yelled before heading back inside the diner.

Usually I'd be willing to forgive him the second he calls me by that stupid nickname 'Jada.' But this time, this time I fear he's lost me. This was bigger than any of the stupid things we usually fought about. This time I almost died I was asleep for a month. And his excuse was that Katie said

'I wasn't allowed visitors.'

I couldn't believe him he didn't even care enough to put any effort into making up a decent lie? At least now I know I'm nothing more than a quick nut to him.

"Hey waiter girl! we're ready to order now!" a guy at the table from earlier shouted rudely. As I stormed passed him before roughly removing my apron and throwing it on the counter.

I had no time for this bullshit.

"It's waitress you asshat and I'm afraid my shift just ended. So take your own damn order!" I scolded before throwing the notepad at him as I stormed back outside.

Wait, was James sitting with them this entire time? How I am just noticing him? Unfortunately I was much too heated right now to be pleased by the sight of James. So I kept walking until I was completely out of the diner.

"Good, I was starting to think you got lost in there let's go." Liam said before opening the door to the passenger side of his black jeep.

He waited.

"Well.." he said as he used his arm gesturing for me to get in the car. But all I could think about was the fact that 'he waited.' "So you didn't come this far for sex after all." I said before hopping into the passenger side of the jeep.

Yeah, yeah, I know, but haven't you been in love before? Cause if you have you'll know that the 'heart wants what it wants.'



I think I'm lowkey team.....

Far from the surface Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon