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The air was cold. It'd been months since Wall Maria had been recovered.

"This is as far as I go" he nodded back. "Just keep following the path you'll see a few ruins along the way"

"That mountain up there is there a way to get there"

"There's a clearing at the entrance of the woods follow that all the way up eventually you'll reach the top"


"Why do you wanna go up there anyway"

"I promised an old friend I'd visit"

"They live up there"

"No" he thought to himself 'I'm sure she'll be watching me though' he smiled. It disappeared as he thought back to that day.


Armin had woken up and they had explained the situation. Up until this point Levi had been holding back what he had been dying to know. He tried convincing himself that maybe she had just been lost in the rubble and was still alive but after searching for hours he knew that wasn't the case. But he wished to see her face one more time even if it wasn't full of life. Everyone had began to get ready to depart to the basement. Eren was standing looking out at him home town. Levi walked up to him. He looked at him struggling to form the words he so desperately wanted to ask. Eren understood. He reached into his pocket at pulled out a flask. Levi instantly recognized it.

"She fought till the very end. If she hadn't I wouldn't have been able to cut out Bertholdt and we would've lost right there in that moment. Thanks to her humanity can live to see another day"

"Tch. She was always putting her life on the line." Eren handed Levi the flask he held it. It was cold. He could tell there was liquid inside. Of course she had alcohol with her he wasn't surprised

"That's not alcohol in there" Levi's eyes widened. He held the flask and pulled it into his chest. "I thought you would be the best person to hand that to. Find a place for her to rest".


What better place than her home. He rode up the path. The air was cold but rather refreshing. The snow began to get thicker the higher up he went. He jumped off the white horse and tied him to a near by tree. He stroked his fur assuring him he'd be back. He continued up the path. After a long journey he finally reached a clearing. He looked out, a layer of new snow covered the ground for miles. It reminded him of her hair. Soft. Suddenly the weight in his jacket felt ten times heavier. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out the flask. Still freezing as if it got colder with every passing day. He kneeled down and dug a small hole in the ground. He twisted the cap it fell to the ground. He looked inside water swayed back and forth. It had a blueish tint as though it was glowing. He shook his head and looked back down. It was just water. He tilted his hand and let it fall on the snow. He smiled. 'She's finally at peace.' His smile fell. He stood up and walked over to the edge of the cliff he sat down and looked out. Why did she have to leave him too. It seemed as if he was always losing everyone close to him. But he knew she was bound to risk her life for everyone else's sake one way or another. "I just want to see you again" he let out a deep breath. He felt something land on his hand. He looked down to see a piece of snow. The sky was filled with bits of snow. He had to leave soon or else it'd be hard to get back. He stood up and turned around. He stood in place not believing what was in front of him.

"Where am i?" they asked


I know the last chapter I hurt y'all's feelings but I couldn't leave it at that. Since the new season is about to come out I wanted to keep this series going until the very end. I hope you guys stay with me until then!


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