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The day of the expedition came faster than expected and before we knew it we were heading out. I rode Mond next to Eren at the gates of Karanese which was next to my old home. The bells rang signaling the gate was about to open. Suddenly voices were heard to my left.

"It's the Scout Regiment. Their insignia on their backs is called 'The Wings of Freedom'" a little boy explained to his younger sibling, "Cool!" she answered. I looked over to Eren to see him smile. He looked so wholesome.

'The time has come from this moment humankind takes a step forward. Show us the fruits of your training!"

Everyone raised their swords up and roared. Even if the scouts failed miserably multiple times I couldn't help but feel proud in this moment.

"Begin opening the gate!" the doors rose up to reveal the outside.

"Move out!" Erwin screamed, "The 57th expedition outside the wall begins now! Forward!"

We began to advance forward into the surrounding small town outside the wall. Not even 30 seconds out when an 11-meter class titan showed up. But it was the support group's job to handle it. They almost failed which I wasn't surprised about. They were the most expendable in the formation in Erwin's plan. I found it kind of sick how he could so easily put people's lives in the most danger when he needed. But then again he's doing what no one else will to make humanity win. Levi squad and myself would be placed in the safest place in the formation. Suddenly Eren broke out.

"Oluo! Can they... Can my cadet classmates defeat Titans?"

"What?" Oluo asked confused, "What've you been doing this past month? Listen you little shit. Expeditions outside the wall are all about how not to fight the Titans" before he could finish his explanation the idiot bit down on his tongue.

"If they stick to the formation I'm sure they'll be fine. As long as they don't go out of their way to fight and instead avoid everything should go smoothly." I assured him. He nodded.

Erwin held out his left hand and ordered "Deploy long-range enemy- scouting formation!" Everyone continued to their designated locations in the formation. We continued forward for a few miles until red flares were shot up from the right notifying everyone titans had been spotted. Soon after A green flare shot towards the left indicating that it was the new direction to move towards. We kept moving forward miles and continuing to see green flares. There must be a lot of titans.

"Flares, green ones" Levi points out

"I think we can see that Levi" he ignores my comment.

"Oluo you fire it" he instructs

"Roger that!" Oluo answers and shoots up a green flare. Suddenly a scout comes from the right with a message

"The search squad on the right flank suffered a devastating blow! They lost the capability to scout the enemy. Please relay this message to the left flank!" Shit that's not good we barely left and already we lost about 20-30% of our troops.

"You heard him. Petra. Go!" Levi instructs Petra. I interrupt.

"I'll go"

"We need you here. Petra go." I look at him with a frown; he doesn't change his expression. Suddenly black flares are seen on our right. What the hell is going on?

" Eren you fire it." Levi orders

"Yes, Sir!"

"They let it get awfully deep inside the formation." I hear Levi mumble. 'It' now I know they're hiding something. I move forward to ride next to Levi. I whisper

A Reason to Live - Levi Ackerman x OCWhere stories live. Discover now