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1st person POV

Cold. That's all I felt. I didn't know how long it had been, maybe a few days but I lost track of time. After seeing those things attack my village from the mountains there was nothing left for me to do. It was too late by the time I had even noticed they had killed everyone. You didn't have to look twice to see that. The once white snow that covered the village was as red as spider lilies in the spring. This was all because I was mad. I could've saved them.

I was meant to save them that's why I was given this power. But I chose to run away because I was angry at father. If only I had stayed. If only I hadn't failed my father's task. But there was nothing I could do as I stood there at the mountain top looking down at the remains of my village as those things destroyed what was left. All I could do was scream.

I knew I would alert those things of my location but it's not like they could get up here. Not even my parents knew about this place. This was where I could go to cool down after I was stressed or overwhelmed. But now the place that I went for comfort is where I would witness the deaths of my loved ones.

There as I overlooked the land I stood and let out a scream. And from there I don't remember anything. I probably blacked out. But I can't move I can't do anything. Either way, it wouldn't matter there's nothing to go back to now. I'm alone. I'll always be alone in this cruel world. God isn't fair he never was and that day I was reminded of that. Because of my selfishness I would have to reap my woes.

Yet there was a part of me that wanted to fight back and show that I wasn't utterly useless. There was a reason I was born with this power. It was to protect the ones around me. Even if I failed I felt like I could redeem myself. Get revenge for my family. But as long as I was stuck there's nothing I can do.

Suddenly I heard a noise. People? No who in their right mind would come up here it's freezing. Then I heard it again distinctly this time. It was voices, they can get me out of here. All I had to do was move but my body do anything.

3rd Person POV

Working in the ice business wasn't an easy thing. It didn't pay off most of the time. In the case of these two boys though they were about to discover something or rather someone that would change the course of humanity's survival.

"I hate working here"

"It beats starving to death"

"Yeah I know but even with our coats we can't even be here for longer than 2 hours before the cold starts to become unbearable"

"Let's just get as much ice as we can and leave"

"I guess"

"Hey Noah check this out"

"What is it?"

"I'm not sure but it kind of looks like a person"

The boys cleaned off the ice and stood in shock as they were faced with a woman. Surprised they jumped back in fear.

"You see her too right?"


"You think she's alive"

"There's no way anyone could survive in there. But still, it seems wrong to leave her here"

"Should we dig her out and give her a proper burial?"

"If I was her I'd want that instead of being stuck out here alone"

Countless work and hours later they were able to dig most of her out without hurting the body. What they hadn't anticipated was that the moment they did she would wake up. In an instant, she sat up and screamed to then fall back to her original position and pass out. The boys jumped back not believing what they just saw.

"But-t how-w? How is she alive!"

"I don't know but I think we should take her to a doctor now"


"And what do you two kids have here"

The boys stopped as they were faced with Garrison soldiers blocking their path to the main city.

"We were up in the mountain collecting ice and we thought we saw someone in the ice dead and felt bad so we ended up digging her out to bury her properly but it turns out she wasn't dead"

"You really expect us to believe that story?"

"We're not lying look at her, she's still covered in ice. Her leg is practically surrounded by ice how could we do that?"

" Well, you're not wrong about that. Give her to us we'll take her from here this is now a government matter."


1st Person

I sat up in bed and looked around. I was in a small room that seemed to look like a healer's home. But there seemed to be no one here. I stood up and ripped off the needle in my forearm with instant regret as I felt pain surge up my arm. That wasn't going to stop me though. I need to get out of here I need to go to my family. I may not have been there to save them but I need to say goodbye.

As I inched toward the exit the door slammed in my face revealing a rather tall woman with glasses.

"You're not supposed to get up yet! It's dangerous we don't know the extent of your injuries!"

"Where am I?"

"You're currently at the Scout Headquarters in Wall Rose"


"You probably suffered from some Amnesia due to prolonged exposure to freezing temperatures"

"What are you talking about. How did I get here?"

"You don't know? You were found deep in the mountains on the upper west side of Wall Rose. You were surrounded by ice according to the boys that found you. We thought maybe you were caught up in a snowstorm. We don't know how you survived though."

I stood there confused. Surrounded by ice? What exactly happened after I screamed. That didn't matter now though. Where was I and how long had it been since my village was attacked?

"How long has it been?"

"Excuse me?"

"How long has it been since those things attacked?"

"I'm not sure what you're talking about, but if you mean the titans the broke Wall Maria 2 years ago which was the first incident since the walls were built a hundred years ago"

A hundred years. There were no walls anywhere near me it had to had been a hundred years. That's how long I've had been in the ice. So that meant everyone was gone. Father, mother, her village I wasn't able to say goodbye.

"Before we go any further I just wanted to know if you remember your name?"

"Isa. Isa Reine"


Well, that's the first chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. Like I said I am in no way a writer so please leave any constructive criticism.


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