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We stood atop the wall watching the scene play out in front of us. The titan's nape was successfully smashed in with the new device Hange had come up with. But now we just had to wait and see if that was a deathly hit or not

"Ooh! A direct hit on the nape! This could be it." Smoke started escaping the titan's nape "We did it! That's a 12-meter, crushed!" Eren fell to the ground next to me

"We did it"

"Hell yeah! With this, we can kill Titans without a single soldier fighting! We'll hack down the Titan all day and night! Say hello to the executioner from hell!" I looked next to me where Eren was having a nose bleed. Levi kneeled down and gave him a handkerchief "We did it Eren!" Hange turned around "Eren?"

"He probably overused his Titan powers. All he's done is hardening experiments lately."

"Sorry, Eren..."

"There's nothing to apologize for Hange. Who gives a damn if I'm tired? Let's hurry... make weapons, and get going... to Shiganshina."

This boy is willing to throw everything away so things can go back to normal. If he can then I will too I don't understand why Levi doesn't understand that. Either way, it's not like he should care anymore he was the one who threw me out of his life in the first place.


The rest of the Levi squad headed to the trainee corps where I had first used ODM gear as Eren had discovered something he believed was important to understand why his father did what he did. I decided to stay behind and go to the city. I didn't have many days off and I felt this was much needed. I tied my long black cape and threw my hood on. I really wasn't in the mood to talk to people. I walked down the hallways which were filled with cadets laughing. Everyone seemed excited at the idea of retaking Wall Maria. But the thought of what I'd do after everything was over lingered without an answer. I had no place here. My family was gone. My significant other was gone. These days I find myself thinking of Emil. I wonder if he thought of me in his last moments. I hope he didn't die a painful death. I tried to push my thought back as I entered the stable. I neared Mond's enclosure and saw him eating hay. I whistled and he turned around and walked over to my hand. I stroked his face

"Good boy" I opened the door and walked him out to the entrance of the scout headquarters. I jumped on and was about to head out when A horse rode in front of me and blocked my path. Of course, it was him.

"Excuse me but you're in my way"

"And where do you think you're headed?"

"To town, I got some things to get"

"You can't leave"

"And why not" I was starting to get irritated"

"The news just broke out of what you're capable of. Not everyone is a fan"

"That's why I'm in disguise"

"You call that a disguise. I can spot you from a mile away"

"Just get out of my way." I lightly kicked Monds leg telling him to go forwards. Levi blocked my path once again. "I won't ask again"

"I'm going with you"

"You'll draw more attention than I will" he lifted his black hood over his head. I sighed. "I guess that's better" Mond walked forward. I decided to try and lose him. I nudged Mond and he started galloping at full speed. My hood flew back and I looked up and closed my eyes. This was the only time I truly felt free. I heard the sound of hooves next to me I looked over and Levi was staring at me intensely. Probably mad that I left without warning. I ignored him and began to space out once more. We entered the city and looked for a spot to tie down the horses. I jumped off Mond and tied him to a nearby post with a grassy area nearby. Levi followed. I pulled my hood down trying to conceal my hair as much as possible. I walked around the market there were so many things that looked intriguing but I didn't have much money to waste. I turned the corner and found the post I was looking for.

A Reason to Live - Levi Ackerman x OCWhere stories live. Discover now