Chapter 21

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The sun is rising when I open my eyes. The first thing I realize is that I'm cold. I shiver and sit up, pooling the sheets around me. I sighs as I walk to take a hot shower.

    Once I'm out, I wipe the mirrors so I can see my face. My hair falls loosely around my shoulders and I gently brush it to view the right side of my neck. There on my pale skin is an even paler crescent moon. It's tender to the touch, so I decide to leave it alone.

    Back in the bed room, I steal Alexander's white American Eagle hoodie to wear over my tshirt and shorts and hop to the door. A note on the living room table catches my eye.


        Dear Mouse,

   The Alphas have decided to track down the rouges. I don't know if we'll be able to find them. This, however, makes me unable to return Sunday. Please watch over our pack. I shouldn't be gone more than ten days. Take care, my Luna.

    P.s. You need to shift soon. Ask Rory or Zach to accompany you. Are you going back to school any time soon?

         Love, Alex.

     Alex? "Great," I mutter. "I'll go to school Monday." I walk downstairs and see only Zach, Daniel and a few other pack members I don't know. "Hey, where is everyone?"

     "School," Zach replies without looking away from his game.

     "Oh . . ." I mouthe silently. "So Alexander wont be back on schedule-"

     "We know."

     "-and he wants me to shift so he told me to ask you."

     He sighs "Can you wait a bit. I've almost won."

     I opened my mouth to respond, but someone cuts me off. " You are no where near winning , Jackass. C'mon, Luna, I'll shift with you. We could train some, too, if you'd like."

      Daniel's words make me still. "Umm. . ."

     "Look, I know we didnt' have a good first meeting, but I would never hurt you now that I know who you are. I would die to protect you."

      "O-Oh, Okay. sure. " We walk outside andIi jump behind a tree to shift. Crack. Tingle. I carry my clothes to the porch where others have also put theirs.

      'Luna,' I yelp at the sudden voice.


      'This is the mind link. Since were part of the same pack, we can communitcate through our minds. Alpha's can mind link anyone. ' Daniels explains.

      'Oh. ' Daniel's dark grey wolf nudges mine towards the trees. We begin walking and he starts to sniff at me.

       'You smell like Alpha Crescent.'

       'He vistited me last night.'

       'No, I mean, like, really smell like him. Like he's with you or like he . . . did he mark you?!' his eyes widen as he gazes at me.

      'Yes, last night. He explained what it was and then did it. Then i marked him.' I duck, somehow embarressed.

      'What?!' he barks/exclaims making me flinch. 'you marked him!?'

      'He told me I could,' I defend. Daniel rumbles and starts pacing. 'What? What's wrong?'

      He stops and stares me in the eyes. 'Alpha's almost never, ever, get marked. When an Alpha bites a Luna, it increase his strength and power-'

      'What kind of power do you mean?'

      He pushes branches away from me as we walk further into the woods. 'Alpha's have this "command" - thing. They can order a pack member to do something and they can't resist. That's about normal power for an Alpha. When he marks his Luna, he gets even more power, such as being able to Alpha order middle to low ranking wolves of any pack. Alpha Crescent is stronger than any other Alpha alive, though I'm not sure by how much. Anyway, if a Luna marks an Alpha, the two share the power. That lowers his and hightens yours when ya'll aren't together. That in and of itself isn't bad, but there are consequences. If one mate dies, the other is left with less power than before they marked. If one of you gets wounded, the other will feel it. Two mates marking is a wonderful thing. An Alpha male and female marking is a wonderful tragedy'.

       We are now walking beside a small creek. This mind link thing is cool, but my head is beginning to hurt, and I'm sneezing a lot. I'm surprised Daniel hasn't commented on it yet. 'Then why would he let me, Daniel. If I can cause him to be hurt or left powerless, why would he tell me I could?'

      'Luna, that's a question for the Alpha.' I nod and sigh. Suddenly, we step into a clearing. 'Want to practice some fighting moves?'

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