Chapter 36

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Yeah... I'm too lazy to read through this so sorry for any mistakes. Dont forget to comment :) yalls comments make my day!

Riley's POV

I've never attended a funeral. I lost my grandmother when I was twelve. We weren't that close. The day of her funeral, I held a thermometer to the lamp in my room. My parents let me stay home and I played games on the computer until they came home. I always wondered why we wear black when someone dies. It always makes me think that we're just expressing what they will see for the rest of eternity.

            Black emptiness.

            These thoughts cloud my mind as we drive to the graveyard. We're back in Seattle where it's cold and raining.  We stop and I step out of the car before Alexander can run to my side with an umbrella in his hand.  It's Monday night. They have planned this very efficiently. The dark brown casket lays closed pale flowers mounded on top. Alexander catches up to me, holding the umbrella over my already wet body. He weaves his cold hand through my even colder one.

            "Riley, please think of yourself more," he begs. "You don't need to get sick."

            "Rey didn't need to die." I say as a tear camouflages into the rain drops on my cheek.

            He sighs, breath fogging into the air. The fog reminds me of smoke. The people with that scent killed my brother.

                                    Happy Birthday, Riley

                                    December 7th

            My birthday will always be married to the death of my only brother.

            Our feet sink into the damp earth and we finally reach the tent where everyone has gathered. My dad looks as if he has aged 30 years. Cindy, too, looks worn as she wraps me in a large hug. Tears cloud her vision and Dad pulls her to sit. Alexander does the same with me, pushing my shoulder to get me to sit as I stare at Rey's coffin.  There are a lot of people here - ranging from pack members to school friends. A guy my age walks to the front of everyone and clears his throat.

            "Most of you know, I'm Jake. I was Rey's Beta and I've been asked to . . .  say a few words." The guy - Jake - shuffles and clears his throat over the soft rain. "We grew up together. Rey was . . . He was my best friend. When we were eight, my goldfish died. I was so upset, but Rey made his mom drive to the nearest pet store to get me a new one. That was Rey - always putting people before himself. "He was graduating top of our class. Not only was he smart, but his compassion showed in all aspects of his life." Jake pauses and stares at his feet. "I . . . We are all going to miss him."

            The Beta turns and walks to his seat. I notice a raindrop has fallen from his eye just like me. One by one, Rey's friends and family say words about him. Dad catches my eye many times as he and Cindy both speak. I know he wants me to speak. But what is there to say? He was my brother. He was funny and nice and smart. He was the new Alpha of the Stone Pack. He was killed because of me.

It's my fault.

            I gasp and bite my lip hard enough to draw blood. The thought echoes through my skull. I begin to shake as Alexander pulls me closer. He threads one hand in my hair and holds me to him with the other one. Nose bumping my cheek, he whispers words in my ear. I turn my face into Alexander's neck as tears flow freely onto his black button up shirt. He continues to whisper as I sob silently to him. A few minutes later, I see someone else speaking before the coffin begins to lower into the ground. Many people begin to leave, but I stay wrapped around Alexander as I only stare at my brother's final resting place.          

                        It's my fault
                        Happy Birthday, Riley.

Alexander's POV

Riley fell asleep so I carry her back to the car. She remains asleep as I carry her into the Stone Pack House. Setting her gently on the bed in the guest room we share., I walk into the adjoining bathroom. I carefully shut the door and sigh. I splash cold water on my face and take off the button up shirt still wet with Riley's tears.

            Riley . . .

            I fear this is it. This event finally triggered the insane wolf gene insider her and I'll lose her. I can only hope she is stronger than that, though.

            A frightened shout comes from the bedroom and I run over to wrap Riley in my arms. "Alexander," she sobs. I can almost feel my heart breaking at her pain. "It's all my fault! The Rogues want me so they killed Rey just to scare me. It's all my fault he's gone! I ---."

            "Riley, no, none of this is your fault. I tilt her chin up to face me. "I promise that when I find the Rogue who did this, I will tear him limb from limb and let you watch as he burns." I lean down and press my lips to hers. She wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me down to the bed with her. I motion for her to hold on a second as I stand and grab a t shirt for her. With a light toss, I give her the shirt and strip to my boxers. When I climb back in the bed, Riley is changed. She snuggles up to my warm chest, pressing her cold nose to my neck.

            She falls asleep in my arms.


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