Chapter 4

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Pic of Alpha Alexander at the top or side! Dedicated to Beautiful-Music for being the first voter/commenter.

When I come to, I realize I'm lying on a bed. My fur has been washed and dried and the woman is laying out a shirt.

"Good, you're awake." She begins, sitting beside me. "I'm Susan. Judging by your reaction I'm guessing you don't know what's going on." I shook my wolfy head. "We're werewolves."

A few minutes later.

"Just let go of your wolf, push her down and take control."

What wolf? I want to ask. I shake my head to show her that I don't understand.

"Your wolf, honey. The one talking to you."

Hello? Helloooo? Any wolf there?


"Stop with the sneezing! Are you allergic to something?"

I nod at Susan.


I grasp someof my fur with my teeth, but quickly sneeze it out.

"Fur?" She asks in disbelief.


"All fur?"

Shake for no.

"Just dog fur," Susan clarifies.

Nod for yes.

"Dear Lord, this is complicated. Just shift-"

The door flies open and in stalks God. Okay, maybe just a sex god. Damn.

He's tan. A nice Texas tan. He's wearing jeans - dark wash, thigh and butt hugging - and combat boots. His hair looks like he just put a small amount of hair gel on his hands, ran it through his hair roughly and was done. Double damn. Brown eyes to match his brown hair. High cheek bones. Full pink lips. White teeth.

I hum admiringly at his bare chest.

Nice six pack.

The two people in the room turn to me. Sex god winks with a smirk. "Glad you're awake," his deep, velvety voice runs down my fur. "Why hasn't she shifted back, Susan?"

"She doesn't know how, Alpha. I keep telling her to push her wolf back and she looks at me like I'm Raxacorofalapatorian."

I howl for Doctor Who.

'Alpha' holds up a hand. "Please, not the Doctor Who. I don't understand it." Susan mutters a 'yes, sir' as he turns to me. "Okay, baby. You know the voice talking to you? In your head?"

I shake my voiceless head.

"There's no voice?" He's crouching by the bed now and I rest my head down to gaze at him. I bark to confirm.

Susan suddenly jumps up. "You're not sneezing!"

I'm not. Huh. "Sneezing?"

"She's allergic to dog fur, Alpha. She was sneezing earlier and now she's not. Not since you got here."

"Strange," Alpha stands up to face Susan. No, stay with me! "But I think I understand why she would stop sneezing around me." He glances at me quickly before there's a silence.

"Right," Susan announces. That's weird. Everyone keeps doing that!

"I'm more worried about her wolf, Doc. Is it possible she doesn't have one?"

I'm right here, guys.

"Maybe. I don't understand. Something in her genes." Susan begins. They're in the brain storm zone now. "Child from a non-mate couple?" He gives her a 'hell no' look at the suggestion.

"There's no survival rate. They're all mad, insane, empty with no wolf!" He shakes with these words. "She's fine! She's not insane or crazy!"

Susan winces at the power behind his words. "Calm down, Alpha. Maybe it's not that situation, but her father could be an alpha. That might make the wolf strong enough to keep her sane."

Still right here, guys. Not insane.

Alpha is still shaking. "I don't like this. She's my m-Luna! She's perfect!"

Aww. Wait, he doesn't even know me.

"She's fine now, Alpha. Let's get her to shift back so we can talk."

They turn to me and I'm giving them the 'are you freaking kidding me' look.

He huffs. "I'm Alpha Crescent and I'm sorry for this." I want to ask him what he's sorry for when he suddenly says something in a very powrful voice that I can't resist. "Shift!" Something in me tingles and cracks and I'm back to being me.

Naked me.

Alpha's eyes run down my body, but the only need to cover up is directed at Susan. She rushes out of the room with a nod. He whispers, "beautiful."

I blush and throw the large shirt over my head, effectively covering my body.

"Damn, you look good in my shirt."

The fire trucks are coming to put out the fire on my face. "Which one are you?" My voice comes out strong. Thank God.

He smirks, "the black one with a white paw. We match, actually. Opposite, but still matching. Makes sense, though. Seeing as you are Luna."

Luna? "Luna?"

"I'll get someone to explain it all to you." He sits softly by my feet.

I giggle to myself. "You're the insane one."

Alpha scoffs, " I am not insane. I was excited to meet my Luna. As was the pack. We'll officially introduce you sometime." He wiggles his fingers, "woof."

"How did you know I was your L-luna," I trip over the word.

He stands up, "spoilers."

I narrow my eyes. "You're totally a closet Whovian." He laughs. "W-what do I call you? Susan called you Alpha, but I was just wondering your name . . ."

He nods thoughtfully. "You don't have to call me Alpha unless you want to. I will sometimes call you Luna, most likely a lot, but it's a very endearing term for me to use. When others say it - as they will only call you Luna - it will be respectful. Of course, I will always respect you. You can call me Alpha if you like - it would be pretty sexy if you did. However, you and my parents have permission to call me Alexander."

"Permission?" I lift an eyebrow.

"I'm special, babe. You'll learn. I have business to attend to so I'll send someone to explain things to you."

"Brownie, please. Not Grey." My voice is quiet with the request.

Alexander chuckles. "Okay, I'll get Zach, not Daniel." His face darkens. "Daniel can never treat you like that again. You're ranked higher than him and if he finds that a problem, he can take it up with me. No one in this pack will harm you." Alexander's eyes go blank for a moment. "Zach is on his way."

I nod and shift to sit more comfortably on the bed. The door begins to open, but Alexander roughly shoves it closed again. "One second," he growls.

He stalks over to me with dark eyes. "No one is allowed to see you like this except me." Swiftly, he grabs boxers from a drawer across the room and starts to slide them up my bare legs. Tingles shoot between us and I gasp. I finish tugging them up all the way. Right when I finish, Alexander pulls me roughly against him and places a hard kiss on my lips.

Holy hot damn, I've just been electrocuted and it's amazing. He can kiss me any day.

"I always thought boxer men were hotter," I blurt.

He gives another growl. "I have to go. God, I have to go." One more hard kiss and a nip on the lip, he stands to leave while I'm silently begging for more. He whispers to Zach as he leaves.

"Don't tell . . ." was all I could hear.

Zach nods and enters the room as the door shuts. "Okay, let's begin."

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