Chapter 9

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Whew, just spent like 30 minutes trying to make the new cover fit :) How do yall like the new one? Is it better than the other?

After school, Pond and I shift and race to the mansion. He barks at me to announce his win.

  "Luna? Luna!" I tilt my head as Zach runs out of the house in a flurry. He begins to talk - throwing me a large shirt - while I try to shift back. "The Alpha and Daniel and their parents are out to a meeting and a large group of rogues ran in our borders. The leader is demanding an Alpha battle and if we don't present him, it's an automatic forfeit. They get the pack." He words are so rushed I almost don't understand.

   I finally tingle and crack. "What can we do? Can you fight? Has anyone contacted the Alpha?"

  "The leader already knows me as TIC. He won't accept. We've tried contacting Alpha Crescent, but we haven't been able to reach him, yet."

   I've thrown on the shirt  by now. I run a hand through my wildly wavy hair. "We don't have any fighters?"

  "None strong enough. We're dealing with the younger son of an alpha. He couldn't accept the fact that his older brother was above him. He left their pack and created a rogue pack."

   "So, he's strong?"

   Zach nods. "Only an alpha could beat this guy. Alpha's have a certain power that helps them."

   I sigh. "Can I? I'm powerful, right? As a Luna."

  Pond jumps forward and holds my shoulder as if I'm literally about to fight this very second. "Shit!" Zach exclaims. "The Alpha would kill me if I let his Luna fight."

  I shrug off Tom's hand. "Then you didn't let me."

"I really don't think this is a good idea, Luna." We're running to the  location where the rogues are. I feel nervous that they are this close to my house, but Zach assures me they were escorted from the northern border further upstate.

   "And you have a better one?"

   "No, but-"

   "Shut up, then, Pond. I don't want you to shift no matter what, okay? You're more intimidating this way."

   "Yes, ma'am."

   We enter the clearing where a raggedy looking man is standing in front of a large group of wolves. This must be the leader. My pack has them completely surrounded.

  Raggedy man growls. "Where is your Alpha, pup?"

  I brush imaginary dust from the crop top and jean shorts I had changed in to earlier. I also don't want Pond to shift so I can have his shirt after I shift. "It's Luna to you."

   He sneers. "Rumor has it this pack doesn't have a Luna." His head is tilted at a strange angle and I wonder how he isn't dizzy from the sideways-ness of it.

  "Rumors are not always truthful," I tip my chin up and match his gaze.

  "Only some." Ragged man narrows his eyes.

   My growl rips through the clearing. My pack around us shifts nervously and paws at the grass. "Are you challenging or not, Rogue?"

  He laughs and his entourage barks as they laugh also. "Challenge you? Easy."

  My pack begins to snarl and growl and nip. I hold up a hand and they quiet. "For me."

  He growls and bounds forward in mid shift. I jump, tingle and crack. I land with a howl and my long white fur blows in the wind. This wolf in front of me is really rugged. His fur hangs and clumps in odd places and haphazard bundles.


  He lunges at me, but a violent sneeze halts him. He paws at the spit on his nose, allowing me to nip his wrist. He jumps back before tackling me down. He has no mercy as he bites and I wonder if I have just lost our pack.


   I twist and grab a hold of his vulnerable neck,  clenching my jaws and shaking more than a girl dancing in a club.

  I can't kill him, though. I release him as I realize this and everyone gasps. I could have won, but I was too weak.

  An angry yell catches our attention.

  Alexander is looking murderous as he stalks over, grabs the leader's muzzle and shoulder, and violently twisted each a different way - effectively snapping his neck and killing him.

   As if that was the only thing the pack needed, they jump forward and chase the rogues out of our territory. We're left alone as our pack nips at the other's heels. Pond runs over to me, yanking his shirt off so I can shift.

   "Riley!"  Alexander runs over to me. "Are you okay? Oh, God! Please, never do that again." I'm shaking in his embrace. I'm scared that I still feel safe and secure and at home in his arms when he just used these same muscles to kill someone only seconds before.

   "Again?" Tom steps in. "That's going to happen again? There hasn't been an alpha challenge in years and now you say there is going to be a total of two in one year!"

   Alexander snaps his head up to him. "What are the odds that they attack when I'm not here? That was just a decoy. They're going to raise up another, stronger leader and they'll come back until I . . . find my mate and mate with her. We have to be on guard. More patrols. Riley needs guards . . ." His grip tightens around my still shaking frame.

   "I can guard Mouse."

   "What, you? An Omega? Hell no."

   Tom grabs my hand, making the alpha growl. "Look, Mouse once told me to look in the mirror. She showed me this guy who always thought bad about himself. Everyone told him he was trash. But Mouse pulled my shoulders back and tilted my head up. She told me it doesn't matter what other people think. My opinion was the only important thing. I may not have alpha blood pumping through my veins, but I am strong. I do have muscles and passion and I would die for my pack Luna. For Mouse."

   Alexander sighs. "Why do you have to be such a great Luna? He mutters to me. "Making Omegas speak their mind." He gives a light laugh. "You've got the job, but I've got my eye on you. Rory."

   That snaps me back. Tom and I gape. The Alpha is totally a closet Whovian.

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