👑 Chapter Twenty Two 👑

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I stared at the award sitting on top of the table trying to wrap my head around how it happened in the first place. I was not expecting it making it the biggest surprise. I was honored that my employees thought so highly of me. It was proof that I was on the right path with what I was doing. I prayed that I never got to a point where I disappointed or failed them after they held me in such high regards.

Lulu was seated across from me on the table drawing shapes with her nails on the wooden top. The after party was currently under way and she didn't seem to be enjoying it. Amani and Jeremy had dragged Isaac to God knows where and I was taking a break from talking to literally everyone in attendance. It was a miracle I found a secluded table.

"I don't want to be here." Lulu whined next to me laying her head on the table and pouting at me.

"I never forced you to come and you could have left as soon as the award ceremony was over." I replied.

"And be labeled the rebellious sister who doesn't support her siblings. No thanks and I can't leave, Jeremy was my ride and he is currently having a contest with Amani as to who can fit the most strawberries in their mouth." She replied pointing at them.

I looked over at the dessert table and saw Amani and Jeremy stuffing their faces with strawberries dipped in chocolate. They were having fun and I was glad Amani finally had someone who could deal with her kind of crazy. Isaac was making sure they didn't get into too much trouble.

"Leave them be and call an uber to take you home." I replied.

"And show a stranger my home; no thank you."She countered.

"Now you're just making up excuses as to why you don't want to leave. Maybe you do actually want to be here. Now if to yell excuse me dear sister I need to use the bathroom." I told Lulu who was looking at me open mouthed for calling her out on her bullshit.

"Just try and have fun."I requested before getting up and leaving her on the table glaring at me for telling her the truth.

As much as Lulu tried to act indifferent, she was actually a people's person and did enjoy having company. She just had a hard time trusting people especially the male gender. She had traveled the world and seen things that she wouldn't even share with me which changed her whole outlook on the world. No she wasn't damaged; she was just careful who she let into her life.

I went into the bathroom and did my business before walking out of the stall to wash my hands and retouch my make up. There was someone else there putting in a little more lipstick that they should have.

I didn't recognize her but she did look familiar. Maybe she won an award tonight or was with one of my business associates.

"Nice arm candy you got out there. Can I have him after you're done?"She asked me and I turned to her feeling angry and insulted.

Angry that she thought that Isaac was something she could buy from me or inherit like some item and angry because she thought me to be some kind of floozy who just used men and dumped them.

I thought about what answer to give her for a few seconds and all answers I conjured up were just too rude and I didn't want to get into a cat fight. It was a waste of time and not worth my energy.

"You couldn't afford him even if you tried." I replied clicking my clutch shut and strutting out the bathroom dramatically and making sure to slam the door behind me for good measure.

I hope she choked on that tube of lipstick. Too harsh? Maybe but she honestly deserved it for sounding so entitled. Isaac was irreplaceable so her asking for him like she was borrowing a tampon was just insulting.

All Hail His Queen ( The Matriarchy Series Book 1)✔️ Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя