👑 Chapter Forty Four 👑

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"Why did we agree to that song?"I heaved as I sat down for the first time in almost three hours.

Isaac and I were seated on a long table on a higher platform aside from the other guests together with Gilead, Jane and our siblings. The reception area was simple with tiled floors, a wooden roof which had climbing plants on it and a few fairly lights. The chairs were white and so were the tables all with flower center pieces.

We had already been to the photoshoot where we had been paraded around and put in different poses and styles. If those pictures didn't turn out amazing after what those photographers had put us through I was going to sue them all.

Thankfully the garden where the pictures were being taken had enough space so the reception was being held there. After taking a million pictures we had to dance our way to the reception area.

"We didn't but it's our fault for leaving Amani and Jeremy in charge of picking the songs."Isaac groaned next to me probably regretting his footwear choice for the day.

"We're cutting their allowance."


Realizing what we had just said we both burst out laughing making a few people look at us but it was our wedding so we didn't care.

"What's next?"Isaac asked me and my mind was still mush from all the loud music so it was hard to remember.

"I'm not sure, Jane is in charge of everything together with the wedding planner but there is the cake cutting, food and drinks, speeches, the first dance, bouquet and garter toss. Not in that order though."I explained.

"There is a garter toss?" Isaac looked at me biting his lip with a lustful gaze probably thinking about the process of retrieving the garter.

"You're insufferable."I said pushing his face away.

"But you still married me."He replied.

"My loss then I guess."I replied with a smirk and he got the cutest frown before leaning in and pecking my lips.

I didn't say anything to retaliate feeling too tired to talk anymore. I needed a few more minutes of rest before the event continued.

I was officially married to Isaac for life and it was the scariest thing I'd ever done but also the best decision of my life too. Lulu had been right, Isaac looked at me with nothing but love and always made sure I was well taken care off. Our marriage was going to work because I was going to fight my hardest to keep it going, even if the person I was fighting against was me and my demons. Isaac deserved a good wife who was dedicated to him and recognized his role as the head of the family. I might have been more powerful than him but I would submit to him in all ways that were required for him as the man of the house. I'd treat him with respect, adoration and maybe someday, love. That day might be coming sooner rather later but I wasn't going to chase it. I would go with the flow and let fate and time decide my course.

"Oh My God did you guys see the gift table, it's overflowing and I think someone gifted you guys a car. There's a one with a bow on it outside . I didn't see it properly but it's amazing. You guys already have enough cars so can I have it?"Jeremy ranted out when he came towards us with Amani in tow.

Those two were attached to the hip, where one went, definitely expect to find the other.

"No."Isaac replied for the both of us.

"I told you they'd say no. Can we go and sit now? My feet hurt."Amani whined and that was enough to get Jeremy moving.

"Who bought us a car?"Isaac asked looking at me puzzled and then looking at our guests trying to figure out who had deep enough pockets buy us the car.

All Hail His Queen ( The Matriarchy Series Book 1)✔️ Where stories live. Discover now