👑 Chapter Twelve 👑

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It had been two weeks since I met Jeremy and I had to say he was a delight. The bond he shared with Isaac was that of brothers and not cousins, similar to what me and my sisters had. Amani had particularly taken a liking to him and they were becoming fast friends. They were agemates so it made sense that they'd bond faster. The good thing was that it wasn't anything romantic more like sibling love or best friends. I knew my sister well enough to know that she wasn't interested in him that way. It was more likely for her to develop feelings for Isaac than for Jeremy but it was okay on that end too. Her crush on Isaac was fading and I was glad.

Jeremy had been to the house a few times to see Kim, who had been excited the whole visit. My sisters had also taken that opportunity to tag along and we all got to hang out together. The three new persons to our family were a very welcome addition. I was a social person but I still preferred my own space but family was family and I had to make room to accommodate them. All of us hanging out had become something I found myself looking forward to.

Currently it was Thursday afternoon and I was seated on my desk going through a few images for an advert we were doing to promote our business. Business was booming but it didn't hurt promoting it some more. It was a simple newspaper advert though so we could reach local customers. We had a great family offer now that the school holidays were almost upon us. Zuri Safaris was a very family oriented company and that would never change.

I remember when I started of, it had been so hard because I was so young with so little money and a good business idea. People thought I was crazy whenever I told them of my plan but they had thought me crazy too when I told them I was raising my two sisters all on my own so their opinion didn't matter. I remember the first time I pitched the idea to my sisters. We were seated in the living room of our one bedroom apartment in the city talking about future plans when I told them of mine. We'd had to move from our family house in the suburbs because of my schooling. It had also helped raise more cash because we'd sold our family home.

The apartment we'd gotten was on the good part of town but still affordable and we all didn't mind sharing a bed. It had come with the apartment and it had been huge, the previous owners had left it behind not knowing how to get it out since it was nailed to the floor. All I'd had to do was replace the mattress when we moved in.

** flashback begins **

"So what do want to do when you're done with school Amani." I asked her as I braided her hair into simple cornrows.

"I want to get married to a Korean and have cute mixed babies." She replied and I laughed, so did Lulu who was seated next to her on the floor as I sat on the couch.

"Amani what about your career?" I asked.

"I'll get a job of course so I can get good money to travel and meet my husband."She responded enthusiastically.

Amani was a dreamer. She was smart and responsible though so we always let her get away with it.

"Well as long as you don't give up your life for your foreigner then that's good." I replied.

"I would never do that. You've sacrificed so much for us Mar, I'd hate to let you down." She confessed and looked up at me.

"Don't worry you can never do that." I leaned down and kissed her forehead. "What about you Lue. What are your plans after university?" I asked.

"I want to travel the world. Not like miss dreamer over here but I want to experience all cultures, meet new people and simply just live my life to the fullest." She admitted.

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